From 60 second $500K TVCs to 15 second $50 social commercials in 5min [Kick-off S1 – E11]
Transcript below
#GrowthHacking #GrowthHack #Growthhacker #Challenge #Competition By Growth Thinking Book The 10 day growth hacking challenge 10 days 3 growth hacks 10x results In 10 days, this challenge will turn your ideas into action in a snap to grow your business. Growth thinking is a new design methodology used by the top growth hackers, and now it’s here for everyone to use. Based on the bestselling book Growth Thinking, a design approach to growth hacking, you will quickly transform your growth from a flat-line to a swinging curve. Learn this methodology to quickly, easily, and at a low-cost fuel your growth. The best part no expertise in growth hacking is required. Get nominated today by reaching out to a challenger who has taken the challenge to nominate you as a contender.
Introduction The 10-day growth hacking challenge is designed to accelerate entrepreneurs’ growth from an idea to action in a snap. The challenge uses the growth thinking design methodology based on the book “Growth Thinking, think, design, growth hack, a design approach to growth hacking.” This challenge is destined to help those aspiring to grow exponentially use growth hacking as the means of growth. This is based on a science-based design tool used by some of the world’s top growth hackers.
The challenge gets the contenders focused on a growth problem they are actively tackling. Once that has been identified, the contender develops 3-growth hacks in 10 days. The guided approach challenges the contender to get out of their comfort zone using the best growth hacking strategies and tools. Using the growth thinking design to growth hack, the contenders use the creative yet structured approach to design, implement and test their growth hacks. This enables them to develop the core skills required to get their growth on track.
1. How does the challenge work?
In 10 days, you will develop 3 growth hacks to accelerate your growth. Those growth hacks can be in few formats. A single growth goal, with a single growth hack, improved until optimized. A single growth goal, with a multiple growth hack, improved until optimized. Multiple growth goals, with a single growth hack, improved until optimized. Multiple growth goals, with a multiple growth hack, improved until optimized. There is no wrong or right but rather what works best for you. The secret behind this is about getting your growth goal well defined. This is basically what is your number one growth problem. Once you know this, everything gets smoother and more refined with time.
2. Who is this challenge for?
The 10 day growth hacking challenge is for entrepreneurs and small-medium size business owners. This challenge is for one person, and it should be the key decision-maker of the business, like the CEO or founder only. If you’re in one of the following situations, you qualify. New startups (6-months old and more) Already operating businesses The key decision-maker Have a growth challenge This is not for people who are planning or about to start a business. This is not about how to or what sort of business I should begin to; we focus on already established companies, even if they are startups who have been operating for a very little amount of time, but they have to be operating.
3. How do I get nominated?
If a contender has not nominated you, reach out to a current or previous contender to nominate you. Please describe your passion, mission, vision, and growth problem to the contender who will recommend you. Contenders will only back those they feel or see fit and can benefit from this challenge.
4. What are the benefits?
Only 1% of companies ever achieve exponential growth. This is a unique opportunity to access rare resources and a methodology used by the top girth hackers globally who have helped unicorn startups and fortune 500 companies grow. Skill-building to develop your growth hacking talent Inspiration to get you moving and taking action Expert guides insights by bestselling author Nader Sabry A launchpad to continue growing as a capability Access to unique resources only the best growth hackers use Usually, this kind of training and expert-guided consulting during the process would be more than USD $10,000. They get this all for free with access to the author to further support skill development and enhance growth hacking practices for challengers and nominees.
Learn how to grow hack using the growth thinking methodology.
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![From 60 second $500K TVCs to 15 second $50 social commercials in 5min [Kick-off S1 – E11]](
Transcript below
Hey guys, welcome to the 10 day growth hacking challenge with your host, Matt or Sabri today. We’ve got Shahad Ahmed who is being well. We’ll be creating a secret hack, which we’re going to talk about later, but we’re going to be looking at something very interesting that any creator is going to have. Well, I think they’re going to need what she’s about to show you before we get started. I just want to let you know that this is based on the growth thinking methodology. The book here teaches you how to do what we’re about to do in the next 10 days. They attend to growth hacking challenges. You get 10 days to do three growth hacks to 10 X, your business, and that’s what we do here. So today we’re going to get started. We’re going to be growth hacking the film production industry. More specifically on TV commercials that are tier one level, uh, style commercials, and Shahad has identified the changes, not just in how content can be developed and is being developed, but the demand for the let’s call it a more effective way to create more, um, more form of creative upwards.
I think that’s the best way to put it. I’m going to let Shahad speak more about that because you can probably articulate that way better than me. What’s interesting is we’ve seen a data related to the creation of content, almost doubling every year and as the creation of a doubles every year, this supply and demand moves with it. Meaning for every time there’s more demand for content across all platforms. The supply for more better content is needed and Shahad has been producing some really awesome big things. I’m going to let her talk about what we’re about to do what we’ve classified this as, and that’s, what’s going to be amazing about this is we’re taking a 62nd $500,000 professional TV commercial, turning it into a 15 second social media clip that will cost you $50 and you can learn to do in five minutes, Shahad over to you. Give us a bit of background to who you are, what this is all about and the transformation we’re going to be taking place.
Sure, neither. Thank you first. Um, so much for having me on board. Um, I’m very excited about this. I think it’s much needed, especially in a time like today. Um, so a little bit about me is I’ve been in the industry for over 13 years, um, in marketing and film production. Um, I’ve worked with, um, Qatar tourism authority, uh, Qatar airways. I’ve worked with a lot of fashion brands, um, and a lot of individual upcoming brands as well in the region. Um, and they’ve all been extremely exciting and I’m very, very excited to take such a massive production and make it into a 15 second commercial.
It’s all that I don’t know if remember that movie what’s, what’s that small little mouse Stuart, is it little Stuart, right? Where would they shrink this mouse? And he’s able that creative Disney video, I think the D Disney movie. So this is like, what is it about like we’re taking your world and we’re shrinking it, right? That’s that’s that, that’s the hack, right? That’s the grand hack that we’re looking at here. Yeah, absolutely.
Absolutely. I think that, um, you know, over time people’s attention spans have really, you know, gone down and narrow down. So we need to accommodate that, but still be as effective if not more.
Yeah. A hundred percent. I completely agree with you. So, so tell us a little bit more, a bit of like, what is it that’s gone into like a, what would make like a really successful professional half, a million dollar TV commercial, and what is it that would take to make a very successful little tiny social clip that’s extremely effective. And how do you see that? Where are the, where are the alignments where someone can shrink something that at that level that goes all the way to something that small ineffective,
Um, well, based on my experience and, um, and my opinion, I think that everything is in the story and your message. Um, I think that you don’t really need a full-on 500 member crew to put on something effective. It could be solo and it goes viral and it gets spread everywhere. And it’s just as effective because ultimately commercials are made to drive sales, you know, or raise awareness or whatsoever their aims are. But I feel like now you can definitely be as effective, but doesn’t need to cost you that much. You know what I mean? And I feel like it’s all in the story and visuals, and if you can create amazing visuals and give a clear, concise storyline, um, that people can especially relate to, there’s a higher, there’s definitely a higher chance of being a successful production and, and yeah, definitely effective as well.
Definitely. And can you share, I mean, we talked about this before and I think like, I think it was a really good piece of information for those guys tuning in about the format and the hierarchy of the format that you shared with me that would be used for like a really big commercial, but will also be equally applicable from a $500,000 commercial to a $50 production. What, what is that format? How, how does that work and what can people do to like bring this format to, um, you know, how can they use it in an effective way? I think that’s, that’s the best way to look at it.
The thing is, I feel like a lot of people over-complicates everything. So I feel like it’s a lot simpler than a lot of people think, but with, you know, when they want to achieve really high goals and things, they think it’s a huge process to, to get there. And it’s, and they’re kind of, um, afraid to take that step, but really you just need to simplify it and you just need to make it simple and realize that it’s really not that difficult. Um, but what you, what I feel are the key factors to have a successful commercial would be your message, your, um, your, yeah. Your key message, your visual, your appeal, and the call to action. These are the four,
Four things. Got it. Awesome. So that’s that. And then, and then how you bring that story out is I think like, cause you mentioned earlier and I agree with you, it’s like telling that amazing story, but in such a short time, you know, that that, and a low cost is, uh, it sounds impossible, but it’s not,
It’s really not impossible. And, um, in fact, especially now, like you see like all these tic talkers and all the reels going on, like it’s only a few seconds, but it makes people interested, you know, your, um, videos don’t really have that much pull. Cause it’s just, after some time it’s just playing in the back know they’re not really focusing. They won’t remember what was said or what they read. And so it needs to stay vivid in their imagination.
Exactly. I think one of the things that I like that I’ve seen recently in tech talk, there’s a guy named Melinda, I think is his name. And he’s like the calm the subway guy. Right. And so I, I haven’t had subway in like a decade and believe it or not, and I’m not the only one, there’s a lot of people haven’t had subway or I don’t know about you, but it’s quite a while. Right. Quite awhile. So, so this guy, um, he owns like a, just a space. He’s a, he’s a young guy, he’s a student and he just started filming every day. Um, it’s a special filming technique. I think he puts the camera on his chest or, yeah, I think he puts on his chest and he kind of films. It like it’s from his perspective, how he makes the sandwiches. And so he does these voiceovers about as he makes these unique sandwiches and how he makes the cookies. And so what he did effectively, and I’ve seen a recent video where he’s produced $44 million worth of advertising for subway. He got people like me, who haven’t been there in 10 years back at subway eating again and multiply that by millions of people. Right.
Incredible, incredible,
Incredible. So it is, and that’s what this is about. I mean, his storyline is very simple. I mean, it’s just him making awesome looking sandwiches and him experimenting. Right. Um, and he teaches people, uh, things that you don’t know, like unlimited veggies. So if you want more veggies, there’s no charge for it. It’s just like you just add them. I didn’t even know that. So you’re educating people about some of the subway, uh, values that you, if you knew about either forgot or didn’t know, in my case, I actually didn’t know at all. Uh, so he’s done a good job at that. Yeah.
And you know, I’ve seen a lot of, a lot of really talented, um, you know, individuals, whether they’re content creators, or just social media influencers that really hit the nail and they really get viewers to be engaged and participate and go check out, you know, whatever clothes they, uh, promoted or whatever, you know, dining experience they experienced. And it is so simple. They didn’t need this whole, you know, production a hundred
Percent, a hundred percent I to do was like a story when we first met. I don’t remember. I was sharing with you. So I have like, uh, my friend who was a big movie producer, like yourself and big production and yada yada yada. And then all of a sudden apple came up with these, uh, video clips that were all designed by iPads and iPhones looking like it was done by a Hollywood producer. And I showed it to him. I was like, dude, this is the future. And he kept telling me, no, it’s not because you need this and that. And it was like more of like a mindset. And I was like, I was like, you know, this is changing. I mean, if you don’t see this coming, it’s just going to bite you and teach you out. And, um, and, and it really forced them to rethink some of the things he was doing. But it’s difficult when you, like, you got like $200,000 worth of equipment in your studio. And you’re like, I’m going to throw all that away for like a thousand dollars, $2,000 device that can do that. And that’s what it is. That’s what the world is about the accessibility to the tools and the techniques. And I think that’s more what we’re going to talk about. The techniques that anybody can apply, um, is virtually accessible to everybody. Right? You just need a phone and internet connection, that’s it?
That’s it, that’s it. Yeah. Yes. Um, I’ve actually seen music videos that have been shot on an iPhone 4k just that is absolutely it. They did not need a massive production. They really didn’t and it’s remarkable. It, it really, you know, it really got me interested in this. And then the more I researched, the more I saw these things and I was like, wow, these people are incredible. This is amazing. You know? Um, and especially like, I’m, um, I’m basically focusing more on like the individuals and people that, you know, or clients or brands that want quantity as well as quality videos, you know? Cause you can’t shoot a 500,000 half a million, uh, you know, commercial every day, you know, but you can do creative things all week long and it’s, it’s amazing what you can do with just your phone.
Yeah. And it’s interesting, you mentioned the quantity bit because let’s go back to the subway example. This guy’s producing every single day. And I mean, I mean, she doesn’t have half a million dollar scooters, a commercial act. He doesn’t even get paid by siblings outright set it. He’s not promoting subway. It’s just him doing his own thing. Yeah.
Yeah. It’s amazing. It’s, it’s remarkable. I, I was, I’m very fascinated about things like this because even shows like there’s a usage, right? And like, it can only go for like a year or forever and then it gets boring after honestly, if you see a commercial more than like five, 10 times, you get sick of it, you want, you want a different story. You want a different angle. You want different people in the video. You want different scenes you want. And you know, this is all very easy to do with just your phone. That’s it? That’s it.
It’s incredible. So, so let’s, let’s get, let’s get kick-started. I mean, give us a little background to your business. How are we going to shift what you’re doing? And then the three, well, some of the growth problems, cause I think a lot of people can relate to some of the growth problems you were about to describe. And then the three growth hacks that we’re going to implement in the next 10 days.
So, um, I’ve been actually working with a lot of brands and companies, um, in producing their commercials and corporate videos and promo videos and et cetera. And they kind of have this idea or notion that, um, it should be one minute woman and a half, uh, two minutes. And I’m just like, okay, sure, I’ll deliver that for you. But how about we change it up a notch, let’s go this way. Let’s make it shorter, catchier, edgier, more captivating. And a lot of them are very hesitant because a lot of people are not, uh, up for taking risks, you know? Uh, whereas I am, I am a major risk taker and I love challenging myself and I love challenging everything I do really because that’s the only way I learn and grow. So I wanted to actually exercise this on the current, you know, clients that I have and basically have them relearn or make them think outside of the box and think that actually, Hey, we don’t need a one minute, this much budget for an effective TVC. We can actually, or promo video, we can do it with just the phone and a very good videographer filmmaker and call it a day, you know? Um, and that’s kind of where I’m heading. Um, and again, especially for content creators and individuals who want to be, you know, micro-influencers or influencers, um, yeah, I wanna, I want them to know that, Hey, listen, to get started, you don’t really need, you know, all this equipment. It all depends on your creativity and being organized.
Yep, exactly. And so, and that’s where I think what we’re talking about, where the techniques, where if some people learn some really simple things, they can make some amazing productions for very little. Um, and I think so what I like about your shift, and I just want to point this out to the audience that you identified, like these let’s call them just old clients. Uh, and I mean that in a nice way, of course, cause I can’t think of any better term at the moment, but these old school clients of yours, they don’t want to change. So what’s happening is you’re going to change and you’re going to address an audience that is changing, not just themselves, but work with the changes that you are ready to do and take risk with and the changes that are going to disrupt their businesses. Um, they don’t see it coming and they’re not listening. And so I think it’s very clever of you to say like, well, you know what, I’m going to shift to the other side because the demand on those, I just massive, right? Higher volume, lower cost, uh, more simpler production, more output, bigger impact. Right.
Very different world. Sorry.
I love to be disruptive. That’s great. And that’s
What this is about. That’s what this business is about. I mean, again, back to the subway example that whoever thought people would be that interest at $44 million in advertising, just him showing everyday he’s making subs like
Hello. Amazing. Yeah.
And you know, even, um, like I’ve seen some of the influencers in the region where they, you know, they go into a shop or they go have dinner somewhere and they’re the, the, the venue sales does increase because that person went and they took cute photos and cute videos and put up a show reel and did all the things that they really didn’t need to pay for. They just gave them a free meal or access to their retail outlet. And it’s amazing.
Yeah. And then the business model, I think that business model is going to be disrupted as well. Cause I think like what a lot of people don’t realize is that the influencers, this cost them money and it’s an it’s, it’s a profession as well. I’ve seen them suffer. I mean, and it has to be a fair equation. I mean, there’s influencers that charge way too much money for what they do and there’s influencers that are just out for a freebie. And so businesses love the freebie. Cause that makes sense. Right. And on the other side, they don’t want to go to these big employers. And so I think there’s a middle ground in there where, where I think that you need to think to tap into. And so from our experience from building so many companies, we found that the micro-influencers have always been where the sweet spot is. It’s the smaller guys with totally potent audiences that just love what they do. They’re not so big, but they follow what they do. If they said, come try a pizza here. Cause I liked it. They will believe it because they’re authentic, they’re authentically connected with the audience. And so the world had like these small clips and contents is going to do nothing but exploding growth. And that’s what I love about where you’re going, tell us about the three growth hacks and why you’re going for them.
Okay. So I mean, I could sit and, you know, and tell you, okay, here’s what you have to do. Here’s what you shouldn’t do. But I want people to actually visualize and see what I, what it is that I do in order to achieve these. So the first one is I’ll actually be producing, um, you know, a, a video, uh, for a brand. And, um, I will be filmed producing it from eight to set. So, so that I literally hold people’s hand and walk them through the whole step, you know, the whole process, um, step by step. And I think that’s very interesting because a lot of people don’t can’t imagine. Okay. So where do I begin? Okay. So what do I do first? Okay. So do I think of the storyboard or do I think of the mood board or what they’re wearing or what they don’t know? So I’m going to be producing a video and I’m going to be filmed, um,
Filming the filmer to teach you how to film. Yeah. Okay, cool.
Um, the second thing is I want to, uh, basically give back and, uh, you know, what I’ve learned over the years, um, in tutorials and to basically, but in the shortest amount of time, like I can’t do one hour tutorials. Like I, I, myself can’t, you know, watch a tutorial for an hour about, you know, little things, so have cute little, um, educational tutorials that could help anyone around the world, um, you know, achieve whatever they’re looking for in a video. Um, and I think the third one would be to basically create a creative community globally. I would ideally love to work and collaborate with all creatives in the industry so that we can all learn from each other and grow as a community.
Great. So the first one is filming you, uh, filming and teaching people how to do what would be done in a big production, in a small way that they can do on their own. So techniques, right. And I think your second growth hack draws on the first one, if I understand correctly, which are like very short clips, uh, techniques that like anyone can implement really quickly as possible. And I think that’s where the five minutes comes in, correct? Like in five minutes, you’re going to train people that, how do you do technique a technique B techniques, see, to get the following outputs and you can do it with your very simple gear that you already got no extra stuff. Correct. Okay. And the second and the third part is getting all these creators together in a community where they can basically, uh, learn from each other, uh, develop each other, uh, draw, draw out new techniques, develop on existing techniques. Is that kind of what we’re looking at?
Okay, awesome. I think that sounds,
That sounds awesome. I mean, listen, I’ve seen, like I’ve seen people develop these techniques and they do them and I shared some with you right. Where like these guys would kinda like go with their phone, like this zooming out and he’s like, you get the sec and they put a little Spire on the edge and it looks like something is on fire and you go into the fire, but you’re really not. And like, there’s like really simple techniques that they’re teaching in 60 seconds actually of them even quicker. Um, and I think some of them are so quick that they lose detail, but you know, that’s obviously the platform that they’re on. Um, but I really, really think like once you organize, um, the world of creativity, when it comes to filming techniques and categorizing them in beginner, intermediate advanced, and then breaking them down into different kind of emotions or different there’s this basically as you’re creating the categories and the taxonomies of techniques that would be used in social, which I haven’t seen anybody do. Um, and I think that’s, if that is one of the things that you’re pursuing an achievement going to achieve in, in some of these techniques, you’re going to develop and develop the tutorials and the community and the training around it. I think you’re onto something really big. I think you may be onto something bigger than what you think. Um, a lot of people need it. Um, they’re ready to consume it. They want to learn it.
I hope so. I hope so. That’s the goal. I, I, I really do believe in creativity and I do believe that everybody is creative and the most important thing is to actually learn from each other as well. You know, um, there are tons of people out there that are, you know, superb, superb cameraman and filmmakers. And, um, and I’ve actually asked them like, guys, how do you, what would you suggest? And you will find that people who are very passionate about what they do, they are so eager to pass on the knowledge
Precisely. Yes. I completely agree with you,
You know, too, because they have a plethora of it. So they’re like, okay, let’s, let’s blow this. Let’s, let’s make this industry better. Let’s um, you know, keep it going let’s, you know, but you’ll find that people that tend to be very narrow-minded and quite selfish in what they know or what they feel they know, um, are very, they’re holding what they know very dear, because this is all they have, you know what I mean? And
They’re not willing to develop themselves. I see this all the time. Like, they’re just not ready to go to the next level. They’re like, let me do it’s scarcity. Right. Let, let me just hang on to what I bought. Although the world has such a tremendous amount of, of stuff to just get done and do out there and learn. I agree with you. Yeah. Good point. Well,
I love learning anything and everything. Absolutely. I am still open to learning, you know, I have people teaching me engineering things. I’m not an engineer, but I love to know. I’m curious. Um, okay. I’m curious about, um, you know, so many things and it’s just, I’m constantly learning. Yeah.
I mean, see that curiosity is the key to learning and, and that’s one of the things in growth hacking. So, so the core at the center of growth hacking is experimentation. And we have these 14 habits that we look at, which is what would a growth hacker be made of. And one of them is curiosity. Curiosity is one of those ones at the very top of, kind of the habit hierarchy of a growth hacker. And usually they’re so curious, like, okay, what would happen if I just shifted a and put B over here and brought C back into the middle, what would happen? Right. And what would happen if I removed all of them and just kept nothing, I’m just curious what would happen. And so that mindset of like curiosity, creativity, openness, flexibility, and this is a list of 14 of these habits. Um, and, uh, I’ll, I’ll try to put them below where we teach people and they’re actually in the book. I mean, we do have it here. It’s the mindset parts in there teaches, um, you know, the four elements and how the four elements of the mindset work and then the 14 habits, how they’re actually used as a growth hacker. So as you just mentioned, uh, curiosity and learning is like, it’s like right at the middle of it, right. You just want to, if you poke it, this what will happen. Right. And you’re open to whatever we are open to whatever that is. That’s how, that’s how you get growth.
Yeah. Okay. So that’s amazing. Um, for those tuning in who want to know more about Shahad, we’re going to have more information below for you to reach out to her, to get more, get to know her a bit better. Is there anything else you want to share with us before you get started on your 10 day growth hacking challenge? I’m very excited.
I am very excited. I’m fully charged and ready to go.
Awesome. That’s what I
Love. So in three days, we’re going to see you for hack number one. Um, just for those who are tuning in, remember that this is a flexible process. So there may be some changes to this and that is normal. How, how it works. But the point is that we want to execute. We want to take an idea to action as fast as possible so we can identify what works and doesn’t work, and then start to implement it into actual growth hacks. So that’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to look at how she has done that in growth hack one, two, and three, and we’ll see you in three days. Amazing. Awesome. Awesome. So we see them three days, three days,