Tiktok & Social media ad that get amazing results quick and cheap [Growth Hack #1: S1 – E12]
Transcript below
#GrowthHacking #GrowthHack #Growthhacker #Challenge #Competition By Growth Thinking Book The 10 day growth hacking challenge 10 days 3 growth hacks 10x results In 10 days, this challenge will turn your ideas into action in a snap to grow your business. Growth thinking is a new design methodology used by the top growth hackers, and now it’s here for everyone to use. Based on the bestselling book Growth Thinking, a design approach to growth hacking, you will quickly transform your growth from a flat-line to a swinging curve. Learn this methodology to quickly, easily, and at a low-cost fuel your growth. The best part no expertise in growth hacking is required. Get nominated today by reaching out to a challenger who has taken the challenge to nominate you as a contender.
Introduction The 10-day growth hacking challenge is designed to accelerate entrepreneurs’ growth from an idea to action in a snap. The challenge uses the growth thinking design methodology based on the book “Growth Thinking, think, design, growth hack, a design approach to growth hacking.” This challenge is destined to help those aspiring to grow exponentially use growth hacking as the means of growth. This is based on a science-based design tool used by some of the world’s top growth hackers.
The challenge gets the contenders focused on a growth problem they are actively tackling. Once that has been identified, the contender develops 3-growth hacks in 10 days. The guided approach challenges the contender to get out of their comfort zone using the best growth hacking strategies and tools. Using the growth thinking design to growth hack, the contenders use the creative yet structured approach to design, implement and test their growth hacks. This enables them to develop the core skills required to get their growth on track.
1. How does the challenge work?
In 10 days, you will develop 3 growth hacks to accelerate your growth. Those growth hacks can be in few formats. A single growth goal, with a single growth hack, improved until optimized. A single growth goal, with a multiple growth hack, improved until optimized. Multiple growth goals, with a single growth hack, improved until optimized. Multiple growth goals, with a multiple growth hack, improved until optimized. There is no wrong or right but rather what works best for you. The secret behind this is about getting your growth goal well defined. This is basically what is your number one growth problem. Once you know this, everything gets smoother and more refined with time.
2. Who is this challenge for?
The 10 day growth hacking challenge is for entrepreneurs and small-medium size business owners. This challenge is for one person, and it should be the key decision-maker of the business, like the CEO or founder only. If you’re in one of the following situations, you qualify. New startups (6-months old and more) Already operating businesses The key decision-maker Have a growth challenge This is not for people who are planning or about to start a business. This is not about how to or what sort of business I should begin to; we focus on already established companies, even if they are startups who have been operating for a very little amount of time, but they have to be operating.
3. How do I get nominated?
If a contender has not nominated you, reach out to a current or previous contender to nominate you. Please describe your passion, mission, vision, and growth problem to the contender who will recommend you. Contenders will only back those they feel or see fit and can benefit from this challenge.
4. What are the benefits?
Only 1% of companies ever achieve exponential growth. This is a unique opportunity to access rare resources and a methodology used by the top girth hackers globally who have helped unicorn startups and fortune 500 companies grow. Skill-building to develop your growth hacking talent Inspiration to get you moving and taking action Expert guides insights by bestselling author Nader Sabry A launchpad to continue growing as a capability Access to unique resources only the best growth hackers use Usually, this kind of training and expert-guided consulting during the process would be more than USD $10,000. They get this all for free with access to the author to further support skill development and enhance growth hacking practices for challengers and nominees.
Learn how to grow hack using the growth thinking methodology.
To learn more, go to https://www.mygrowththinking.com
or get the book on Amazon
![Tiktok & Social media ad that get amazing results quick and cheap [Growth Hack #1: S1 – E12]](https://mygrowththinking.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/02.-S1E12-Hack-1-1024x576.jpg)
Transcript below
Welcome to the 10 day growth hacking challenge with your host, Matt Sabri today, we’re here with Ahmed and we have growth hacking how to take a half a million dollar TV commercial, squeeze it into 15 seconds for $50 and be able to learn it in less than five minutes. Awesome. So we’re going to be doing that in three growth hacks before we get started, just as a reminder, this is based on the growth thinking methodology available in the book here in the challenge. It is 10 days, three growth hacks with the objective to 10 X your business. Before we get started, I want to remind you guys as well. We have a secret growth hack, a secret super growth hack for shad, which we will not be telling you about right now. We’ll be sharing with you in the future. We want to keep you excited, but meanwhile, today we’re going to dig into growth hack number one, shadow. I’m going to pass it over to you. If you can explain to us growth hack number one, how it’s worked, what the results look like and what is next. Go for it.
Hi. Nice to see you again.
I’m doing okay. I’m doing okay. It’s uh, summer is kicking and
Hitting on me, right? It really is. Yes. Yes. Um, okay. So for growth hack, number one, I’ve managed to, um, bring it down to basically preproduction the pre-production stage, where this is actually a vital aspect of production, because this is your strategy, right? Like you have to think of, okay. What’s the most effective way to deliver the message that you’re trying to convey. Oh, that rhymes. Okay. So with that, um, I came up with five main factors, um, that could help you execute any video very efficiently and cost-effectively as well. Um, so let’s get into it. Okay. So the most important thing is actually, okay, so number one is the storyline. Um, every video or every advert needs to tell a story. So whether it is to promote a product or a service, or, you know, raise awareness about a certain, you know, um, cause or something, um, storyline is very, very important and it also needs to be very culturally appropriate and let’s not forget that there’s, you know, there’s a lot of, um, adverts out there that I find very offensive actually.
And when I have a look at it, I’m like, Hmm, that could have been done a little bit more sensitively, you know? Very, very it’s it? Yeah. So storyline is very, very important. Um, number two would be your key message. What are you saying? You know, so this is a great story. It’s amazing. It’s um, it’s, you know, it’s got people hooked, but what, what are you trying to say here? You know, what, what do I get out of it? That’s what people usually think of when they’re watching something or they’re looking at an advert, you know, um, the three thing is visual. So having a mood board is very, very important. And whenever I try to tell like, clients and brands, or even influencers or people that, okay, where’s your mood board. They’re like, oh, I’ll just, you know, take a photo here and there to look pretty with this. And I’m like, no, no, you need a mood board because that’s essentially your, so what is
A mood board? What exactly is the mood board?
So the mood board is basically the look and feel of your advert. So how do you want the model to pose? What is the makeup a brief, like, do you want it hard, like intense makeup, light, natural makeup. How do you want the hairstyles to be? What kind of poses? What kind of clothes? Um, locations, um, you know, model options, even if, even if you’re doing a food shoot, you know, how do you want to style the shoot? Is that, is it a flat lays sort of thing? Or are you doing it at an angle? Are you putting other elements in like, there’s so much more to it? And the mood board is just basically a guide that helps you execute, you know, and this is very important because it has everybody on board. Cause it’s like, okay, we’re all on this team. And we’re all working to deliver the same, uh, the same advert. Okay. So what do we want it to look like? Oh, okay. This is your inspo. Okay. This is how we are all going to work together to execute this. You know what I mean? Yep.
So just galvanizes everybody to the creative direction that this is going to be taking as opposed to doing where we’re going. Got it. Okay.
Yeah. Um, and even, even if it’s a video, like you have installed videos, like maybe you like the color grading of this video, maybe you like the visual effects of this or the special effects of that. So you take bits and pieces and you put them into a little scrapbook, which is a mood board. Cool. Okay. So yeah, so that’s the, that’s the visual and then you have the appeals. So this is actually very important because a lot of people missed the ball with this, um, because they don’t realize how important the appeal is and how important it is to actually highlight it. Um, like, you know, you can either go the logical route or you could go the emotional route or you go the moral route, you know, like you’ll a lot of like, um, like for sports, for example, for Nike’s ad, it was, it was very emotional because I, I don’t, I can’t remember the campaign actually, but it had like the diversity, it was, it was, it had like a hijabi woman and it was mostly like women of all races and stuff.
And that was more emotional because it was like, wow, it’s the first time we see a hijabi woman on a Nike ad. Like, that’s crazy. That’s amazing. Um, you know, uh, then you have usually for nonprofits, they go, you know, um, moral, you know what I mean? They’re like, oh, you have to donate, uh, help save. They use keywords, you know, uh, along with so many other things like the music they use that, you know, it’s, I did it, I did a study once and, um, on the effects of background music on TV adverts, and actually you’re more inclined to, uh, purchase or, you know, have an action with, uh, effective music. So for example, by 70%. So if the music is good, if you, if, if it, if it matches the visual 70% of the time you’re actually going to purchase or donate or raise awareness about it,
Music can make the biggest difference. I guess sometimes it was something like a high energy and they’re trying to sell you something that has to do with energy fam like it jives with the whole idea. Okay, cool. Okay.
Absolutely. And actually, um, what, when I was doing this study, we were actually asked to, uh, watch a movie silent, like, and then they turned on. Yeah. Because then you’re left with your imagination to think, what are they saying? How are they saying it? What are they feeling? You know what I mean? And then when we watched it with, um, with the background music and the dialogue where like, oh, this is really what, yeah, this is not what we thought it would be like, this is a scary movie, but we didn’t feel that, you know what I mean? Wow. Yeah. I used to run this experiment
Internally with my team for like visual communication. So I would be traveling in China, for example, I’d be at a Metro station and there’s an advertisement, right. So I take a picture of it and I’d ask, uh, for somebody with me, what does it say in Chinese? And so they telling me, for example, in this case it was a skincare product. So I send the picture of my team. I’m like, can you tell me what product they’re advertising? Even if the product is not visible, but from the visual communications. And so what would happen is like, uh, obviously first comment is like, I can’t read Chinese, but I say, well, that’s not the point. The point here is like, I want you to figure it out. And so we would go back and analyze advertisements using in other parts of the world, how they’re using visual cues that are irrelevant to the language has actually written. And it’s quite incredible, very powerful. And it’s not the whole science in itself, but very amazing.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And you’ll find a lot of that, especially with skincare, skincare, beauty, it’s, it’s very big with visual communication. Like they really, and I’ve noticed actually in Asia because they’re very, um, into skin whitening, you know, and being fair and stuff. So they actually over edit a lot of their campaigns as well, you know? Yeah. So it’s, it’s, it’s actually very interesting. I find it very interesting at least. Cool. Cool.
So that’s and so the fifth part is, uh, what’s the last
One call to action.
Yeah. So just buy it or donate or, um, you know, vote or whatever it might be. Okay, cool. So let’s, let’s quickly recap. So you’ve got the five elements, so number one is the, uh, storyline, and then the key message and then the appeal is that right? The visuals, the visual of, sorry, the visual and then the appeal and finally the call to action. And that essentially is the format that would be used in a really big commercial. Right. Cool. How do we downsize that? Well, here is the trick.
So, you know, it’s actually very simple because you it’s, it’s not a, it’s not a, it’s kind of like a recipe, you know, like let’s say you’re making a cake, you know, you’re baking cake essentially need the same things, but maybe you want to have it vegan. So you change a little bit of the ingredients. It’s basically the same formula. You just apply different ingredients. You know what I mean? Um, so for storyline, um, usually we hire content writers and copywriters, sorry for this. Uh, but if you’re a writer yourself or you like to write, or you’re a blogger, you could definitely do that on your own. Um, and try it out, especially if you’re doing it for your own blog or for your own websites or portfolio, whatever the case may be. Um, it’s very important that you actually study the brand to be able to tell the story, you know what I mean? It’s not what you think is right. It’s what the brand wants you to deliver. There’s not a lot of people know how to bridge that.
Well, a lot of people, I think also as well is defining their own brands, especially in the era of personal branding, which is where we are today. When you open that up to all the Instagrammers and the influencers of the world. I mean, at the core of it is personal branding and I’ve noticed like there’s a definition problem there sometimes. And I think in all fairness, sometimes you need to discover your way to what your brand is. And then in some other ways, um, there’s something that you just need to create it as pillars to the designing your brand, uh, just communicate and get it out there. Yeah. Cool. Yeah.
So I think if you, if you, for example, you’re working with a water brand, you know what I mean? Um, you have to identify the unique selling points. It’s not just water, um, which is kind of, cause water is, it’s like, okay, it’s generic, it’s a generic video. Well, you can use it here, there. And then what, you know, you have to define like the sodium content, the pH levels, the where is it? You know, where is it made? Where is it packaged? Uh, does it, you know, um, I forgot the term, but it’s like, does it comply with, you know, international labor rights? Does it, you know, there’s so much more to it than just water, you know? Um, so storyline is very important. Um, and especially if you’re going to consolidate it in 15 seconds, it needs to be
It’s capital snap. Yeah, exactly. So, so how do you, okay, so how do you take this story and make it like snappy? So, so just for a relative terms here, right? 15 seconds would be how many words in a script, approximately? Do you have any idea what that would look like?
It depends on, again, it depends on the brand. It depends what we’re promoting here. Okay. Kind of the speed of it as well.
Right. In the sense of just getting a word count. Yeah. Cause, cause I do that, like when we look at scripts and we’re looking at like, Hey, we have a timeframe in which we need to do things. We step back and we’re like, okay, like how many words is that? And then we look at it, there’s a calculator actually, you can go to online. I don’t remember the name of it, but you literally put in like, uh, how many words in, in five minutes or 15 seconds, and then you put a speed, low speed, mid speed or high speed. And it just gives you a number. And then, then you’ve got like a parameter. And I think like one of the most vital things in creativity is knowing your limitations. It’s actually creativity in the box, not creativity out of the box. So yeah. I mean, okay, cool. So I, I didn’t know if you knew that, but like there’s a calculator for
The calculator. There is, there is. Cause we,
We ran into this problem so many times, both ways, like if we were to write it like this, how long would it take? And if we wanted something this long, how many words would it be? So yeah. There’s like something out there for everybody to get, get solutions.
That’s amazing. Yeah. I mean, we work with a lot of the artists and for us that like, it depends on the VO artists. Like sometimes you have a minute script, which is maybe like they can do it in an hour of recording, but then some people take like two and a half hours, you know? So I, I didn’t know. Yeah. Yeah. I didn’t know about that. I will look into that actually. Yeah.
I mean, that’s cool. I mean, I mean, if we can figure it out in our next video, that would be really cool just to tell people like 15 seconds is X amount of words for low, medium and high speed. And so there’s also like a structure scripts. I’m sure there are some of them out there I’ve seen some, and I’ve seen some people do some really good structures with different types of storylines and it feels kind of generic, but it’s an excellent hack for those who are just not copywriters. Right. Um, you know, not everybody has to be like just super over the top created. Um, you need to be just able to just get it done and then experiment and get to the next level. Right. So definitely ask some structured script. All right, cool. So, so what else? Um,
Storyline, um, yeah, so that’s, that’s the storyline. Um, uh, I think that’s pretty much it just to have like something that’s catchy and appealing and identifying unique selling points of the brand is very, very important. And, um, that will lead you to key message, you know, when you’re creating your adverts, like, okay. So, um, for example, you want to advertise a skincare product. Okay. So your storyline is, it makes you feel beautiful, rejuvenated all of these things. Okay. Grades applicable for all skin types. Amazing. What’s your unique selling point? What do you want to highlight? Okay. And
Then in 15 seconds, like the key here is like 15 seconds. How do you squeeze that in? Because if you’ve got like a list of like 10 awesome benefits or 10 awesome features, I think it’s usually better to go with benefits than futures. Um, you know, how do you squeeze that in 15 seconds? Like they just, boom, it’s gotta be so you,
Yeah. But you pick what I would do at least is I would see what their competitors are doing and do the opposite. So they’re highlighting, you know, brightening, um, rejuvenation, I will focused on like, okay, let’s talk science. So in how, and how long will you see results? Uh, what would you, where is it coming? Is it Marine life based? Is it, you know, these kinds of things? So I would, I would actually see what the competitors are not doing and do that focused on those kinds of features. Yeah,
Exactly. Cool. Okay. So, so, so, so in this hat that you’re going to do now, I mean, you’re going to be developing an actual example. I don’t know you haven’t got to it yet, but you laid down the groundwork to do that for hack number one. And you’re going to, you’re going to basically take all the five, uh, point format, uh, highlight, uh, create five videos. Right. And then you’re going to highlight in each one of them, how you would emphasize that one part of the actual, uh, format, um, and people can just see it in action in 15 seconds. Okay. That is super cool. Um, so I’ll ask you a question. So when I watch like a tick talk video or something like that, and they feel so erratic and spontaneous, uh, you know what I mean? Like there is a structure. Okay. I believe in that, but it’s just so out there.
And so spontaneous that it’s like, was there a really, somebody’s like really focused on a strategy to make it that structured and that precise. And so maybe like some of the spontaneous elements that are happening in people’s lives because I see this happen all the time. I mean, I guess in different ways where, uh, an influencer has to work or act super fast on their feet where they see an opportunity and then they turn it into a story. Right. And then boom, they flip it out. But in this particular case, this is like, we’re actually planning for something. Can spontaneous come into a plan, um, uh, 15 seconds, uh, social commercial. Is that possible?
Absolutely. I love, yeah. I love candid shots and spontaneous shots and sometimes they actually work better than what you’ve planned for visuals, you know? Um, and like there’s so many times where you could be on sets and the camera’s still rolling and you know, one of the cast members, they do like, you know, a certain, um, movement or a certain facial expression. And that is what they actually take. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Not that like, oh, smile. Yeah. It just
Spontaneous. It was just something they wouldn’t expect that came out of it. Very
Cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. I love that. Yeah.
So hack number one is about downsizing, the big, uh, commercial it’s down to that five point format. You’re going to develop for us five examples. Each one will highlight one of the five and we’ll show it how to actually develop it behind the scenes as an example. So people can see how to do this. And just as a reminder, your hack, number one, if I remember correctly is about creating the format and being able to use that format as, as a, cookie-cutter just being able to scale on that. And that’s what we’re talking about here today. I know that we slowed down a pig on it, a bit of detail, and that’s what this is about. Cause we’ve gone into what’s happening behind the scenes. I think with the example that you’re going to bring, uh, with the live example, uh, I don’t know if you want to share more about that or do you want to wait until that’s done and ready and we display it. It’s up to you. Uh, you telling me, I prefer,
I prefer waiting for waiting and letting you see that. Okay. Awesome.
Awesome. Okay, great. So I think that’s it. We’re, we’re, we’re good for hack. Number one was huge three days for hack number two and then we’ll go from there. Yeah. Awesome. So for those tuning in, this is, uh, uh, sorry, should I have Ahmed she’s with us, uh, helping to downsize big commercials from half a million dollar professional TV commercials do $50 and 15 seconds. Uh, and being able to learn how to pull it off in less than five minutes. Uh, that’s the growth hack we’re working on across all three of them. Uh, we’re going to be having some examples that will come in to show the format, which is the hack number one, which we’re talking about here today. So for those tuning in, you can go to the bottom and get more information about Shahada and what she does. And if you’d like to reach out to her. And just as a reminder, this is based on the growth thinking methodology. This is the 10 day growth hacking challenge. We’ve got 10 days through growth hacks, 10 X growth. We’ll see you in the next hack in three days, which is hack number two.
Yes. Okay.