5 minute social media video ad tutorials for TikTok and Instagram [Growth Hack #2: S1 – E13]
Transcript below
#GrowthHacking #GrowthHack #Growthhacker #Challenge #Competition By Growth Thinking Book The 10 day growth hacking challenge 10 days 3 growth hacks 10x results In 10 days, this challenge will turn your ideas into action in a snap to grow your business. Growth thinking is a new design methodology used by the top growth hackers, and now it’s here for everyone to use. Based on the bestselling book Growth Thinking, a design approach to growth hacking, you will quickly transform your growth from a flat-line to a swinging curve. Learn this methodology to quickly, easily, and at a low-cost fuel your growth. The best part no expertise in growth hacking is required. Get nominated today by reaching out to a challenger who has taken the challenge to nominate you as a contender.
Introduction The 10-day growth hacking challenge is designed to accelerate entrepreneurs’ growth from an idea to action in a snap. The challenge uses the growth thinking design methodology based on the book “Growth Thinking, think, design, growth hack, a design approach to growth hacking.” This challenge is destined to help those aspiring to grow exponentially use growth hacking as the means of growth. This is based on a science-based design tool used by some of the world’s top growth hackers.
The challenge gets the contenders focused on a growth problem they are actively tackling. Once that has been identified, the contender develops 3-growth hacks in 10 days. The guided approach challenges the contender to get out of their comfort zone using the best growth hacking strategies and tools. Using the growth thinking design to growth hack, the contenders use the creative yet structured approach to design, implement and test their growth hacks. This enables them to develop the core skills required to get their growth on track.
1. How does the challenge work?
In 10 days, you will develop 3 growth hacks to accelerate your growth. Those growth hacks can be in few formats. A single growth goal, with a single growth hack, improved until optimized. A single growth goal, with a multiple growth hack, improved until optimized. Multiple growth goals, with a single growth hack, improved until optimized. Multiple growth goals, with a multiple growth hack, improved until optimized. There is no wrong or right but rather what works best for you. The secret behind this is about getting your growth goal well defined. This is basically what is your number one growth problem. Once you know this, everything gets smoother and more refined with time.
2. Who is this challenge for?
The 10 day growth hacking challenge is for entrepreneurs and small-medium size business owners. This challenge is for one person, and it should be the key decision-maker of the business, like the CEO or founder only. If you’re in one of the following situations, you qualify. New startups (6-months old and more) Already operating businesses The key decision-maker Have a growth challenge This is not for people who are planning or about to start a business. This is not about how to or what sort of business I should begin to; we focus on already established companies, even if they are startups who have been operating for a very little amount of time, but they have to be operating.
3. How do I get nominated?
If a contender has not nominated you, reach out to a current or previous contender to nominate you. Please describe your passion, mission, vision, and growth problem to the contender who will recommend you. Contenders will only back those they feel or see fit and can benefit from this challenge.
4. What are the benefits?
Only 1% of companies ever achieve exponential growth. This is a unique opportunity to access rare resources and a methodology used by the top girth hackers globally who have helped unicorn startups and fortune 500 companies grow. Skill-building to develop your growth hacking talent Inspiration to get you moving and taking action Expert guides insights by bestselling author Nader Sabry A launchpad to continue growing as a capability Access to unique resources only the best growth hackers use Usually, this kind of training and expert-guided consulting during the process would be more than USD $10,000. They get this all for free with access to the author to further support skill development and enhance growth hacking practices for challengers and nominees.
Learn how to grow hack using the growth thinking methodology.
To learn more, go to https://www.mygrowththinking.com
or get the book on Amazon
![5 minute social media video ad tutorials for tiktok and instagram [Growth Hack #2: S1 – E13]](https://mygrowththinking.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/03.-S1E13-Hack-2-1024x576.jpg)
Transcript below
Welcome to the 10 big growth hacking challenge with your hosts, Matt or Sabra. You’re here today with Shahad Atman, and we’re here on her second growth hack, and we’re doing an amazing, bigger growth hack, which are all the sub growth acts we’re working with in this challenge. And her big growth hack is taking a $500,000 professional TV commercial, which is a 62nd commercial and turning it into a 15 second social media commercial for $50 and learning how to produce it in five minutes. And the first growth hack she uses, uh, her filming herself, actually doing it as a way of creating the format, which we talked about in growth hack. Number one. So head over to growth hack, number one, to learn about the format in which, which how these commercials are created, whether they’re half a million dollar commercial or a $50 commercial and social media. And today we’re going to be looking at growth hack number two, which is go ahead. I’ll let you take the floor on this one. So go for it. Hello. Hello. Hello. Thank you. Um,
Um, so growth hack. Number two is basically I wanted to like give back to everybody that’s watching and stuff and I want it to be more informative and, uh, you know, spread the knowledge as much as I know. Um, and as my peers know and create tutorials five minutes.
Hello? Yeah. Sorry it cut out. Yeah, go ahead again. Sorry. You said five minutes and then went blank.
Um, yeah, it’s basically to create five minute tutorials, uh, to basically, you know, for each step of the way to create how you can do it in just five minutes. So yeah, that’s basically it.
Awesome. So, so in five minutes, you’re going to teach me how to take a half a million dollar TV commercial and produce it for 50 bucks or less. Yes. Awesome. So walk us through the growth hack, how that works, how, how you’ve gone about it, how are you going to teach people doing it? Um, walk us through it.
Okay. So we talked about the five main factors that, you know, what it takes to basically create a commercial or produce a commercial. Um, but what I want to dive into is basically how to break that down even further and teach it in five minutes. Um, starting with, first of all, the conceptualization, the concept, um, how do you take such a big idea and make it small, but still effective? Um, this is, this is a key element in, you know, in producing any sort of content. And, um, I’m going to show you how to basically break it down, uh, break down the concept and how to make sure that your concept is strong and captivating to the audience. Um, the second thing is teaching it, which is the second tutorial is going to be about how to consolidate or to define a key message. And how, how do you come about the key message or how do you come up with a campaign message? Um, a lot of the times you find, uh, you know, campaigns or commercials that their message is not strong enough. So how do you, you know, get the interest of someone, uh, and make sure you deliver the right key messages. And that’s very vital because you actually have to study the brand, um, that you are promoting and you have to highlight their, you know, your USP’s, their USP’s and stuff. So that’s very, that’s, that’s a, that’s a major key elements actually. Are you going to
Have like, um, like, uh, I know we don’t need to go to details now, but are you gonna have like, kind of a systematic structure to go about that because I know when we hear your messages willingly, like, well, that sounds pretty easy, but it’s not, we know it’s not, it can be like a whole process to refine, to get to that one key message. That’s helpful. So do you have a way of going about that to just teach people like three step process or whatever it is that just gets you to that key message?
So, yeah, absolutely. I mean, for example, if you’re, if I’m dealing with, let’s say a beauty brand or a skincare line or whatever it may be, um, I first have to study the brand. What it’s all about, where is it made? What is, you know, the unique selling points, what makes it different to the other brands in the market? And, um, I use that along with their aims and objectives to create the key message. Um, and you know, this is, this is how it’s usually done, but to make it effective, that’s the difficult part. So I would teach you basically how to take all these big, big ideas and then just narrow it down. So, so
Key message is not like the catch line or, or the theme of the actual commercial itself, but the message you want to get across, which could be pretty plain and straightforward, but the trick is taking the creativity and transforming that key message into something compelling. Right.
Exactly. Yeah, exactly. Awesome. So, I mean, the key message could be, um, for example, uh, I work closely with a nonprofit organization that raises awareness about gynecological cancer and that’s a taboo topic in this region. So how do we create that fit the region, um, you know, make it regionally friendly, you know? Um, so our key messages are very subtle, but very, to the point, very concise, concise being concise is key, actually.
Yep. Okay. So do you foresee creating, I know maybe not at this stage, but creating some tools, uh, that, that just somebody who’s never created, taken a key message and convert it into something compelling that can help somebody with, with this. You have any tools or methods are you going to just so it’s basically you helping them growth, hack their own key messages for the development of these things. Um, you have any of that in place, or do you plan to create something like that?
To be honest, um, every brand I work with is different. Um, I don’t really have a recipe for all, but I do take the time to study their brand and what they’re all about and who is behind all of this. Cause you know, that basically helps me gather my thoughts and how to basically create an effect.
I think that process is what you need to convert because everybody’s situation as you scale is going to be different than all. They’re obviously going to be much smaller brands and people may be struggling with exactly that they may not have like a rich brand history or a brand heritage for them to draw on. They’re not like a hundred year old fashion brand in France that has all this rich information to work with. It can be just like an upstart that started in their garage last, last week and they want to get out to the world and then you start creating commercials now. Right. So, so, so how do you take it down to like its most simple bare bones system? And I use the keyword here system because it sounds like, um, as you train people, you need to create a system for this where, you know, again like a three-step process, how do you get to your key message? What is not a key message? Uh, what are effective? What are non-effective? So it just gives people the ability to quickly get to that. Um, because I think, yeah, cause I think like the big brands, I totally get it. Like, they’ll give you a brief, uh, they give you some instructions. I mean, you have something to work with. Some of these smaller guys are going to be training. They have nothing to work with. Yeah,
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I think that’s a great idea actually. Um, I didn’t think of that. I didn’t think of it that way actually. Um, I think that would, that would be helpful to create actually, um, I’ll definitely do that. Yeah. I’ll definitely create something. Yeah. Because it definitely would help smaller brands, especially startups and things like that. Yep. Um, yeah, that’s a good one. Yeah.
Startup and startup companies struggle a lot. I mean, even medium-sized businesses actually struggled with this as well, so they don’t have like, uh, you know, I mean I’m careful using this term, but they don’t have a fancy marketing department or branding team that sits there day and night crafting, what does the world look like for the future of their, um, there are businesses who are struggling to create cashflow every single day and every dollar counts. And so, you know, the last thing they’d probably thinking about is like, what does my brand stand for? What’s the key message. So I think like those are things that you need to figure out and just crack right through in this hack. So you just completely simplified. There’s like there’s a company out of Switzerland. Uh, I unfortunately can’t remember the name of them but many years ago, um, you know, people who struggle with creating the brand guidelines.
And so there’s, you, you get these thick, like a hundred page document that tells you what to do and what not to do and how a brand should look like and its tone and its font and its colors and all that fun stuff. And so these guys in Switzerland basically turned it into a SAS, a software as a service. And so what they did is people would basically input into it, even if it’s just an individual. And then they would create a way to make this a visual standard guideline dynamic, meaning every single update change in color, change in font, whatever it is, but there’s a history cap there. And so they’re able to make it as thin as this or as thick as that. And they can actually print out at the end. Uh, but inside it works like a dynamic system. So you may want to look at things like that. I know that you’re not dealing with branding, but you might want to learn from how some other organizations have done that and then bring that into your world, which is like, how do we, again, how do we take this big commercial and then shrink it down to somebody who’s just got a few dollars to make things happen?
Absolutely. I mean, I, you know, the thing is, um, when I, when I work with a lot of startups and brands, I realized that they don’t actually have a vision or they don’t have brand guidelines or they just, you know, they like sports. So they start to the sports agency or whatever the case may be. They didn’t really take the time to study the market study what their business model is. And that often leads to being unaware of what is your key message? You know what I mean? Um, it’s very important that when you decide to start to business, you have defined goals, defined, aims. What are you trying to do? What is the purpose of your company, um, in the market? You know, and how is it different to everybody else? That’s it? You know, and a lot of companies don’t take the time to do that. They just go ahead and start it and see how it goes. And whilst,
Yeah. So, sorry, go ahead. I’ll tell you something very interesting related to this. Yeah, well, it’s funny long ago when I was building one of my startup companies, I literally got a piece of advice. That’s worth a million dollars in revenue in two minutes. So two minutes, I got a million dollar piece of advice. Literally this was one of the world’s top branding people. And I’m trying to create the brand for my company. I was lucky to get the call with him. And, um, so I started talking about, you know, all the things that you mentioned, like competition and yada yada yada. And so here we are, the problem with this brand was that we’re entering a completely new space. Uh, there’s very few benchmarks. We’re actually creating, we’re creating and breaking the boundaries of an industry that we’re actually creating because the level of innovation that we were doing, so he stepped back to me and he said, you know what?
As I, I’m going to give you the Ross piece of advice you’re ever going to get from a branding person. I said, what’s that? He said, don’t create the brand, discover your brand. And I was like, what the hell does that mean? He said, don’t go create all that stuff. He’s like, just discover how the brand evolves with the people that you pursue. And it will all eventually come together. And that’s exactly what happened. Our brand became so dynamic and agile, just because we didn’t sit and have to think of everything in advance we had to do is we had to discover and define the brand as we went along and people would be like, who did you hire for your branding? What agency did you go with? And we get all these questions. Yeah. And it was quite a compliment cause we tell him w well, actually we just, we got a million dollar piece of advice for free in two minutes, which basically told us, don’t create your brand, discover it.
And that was it. That was the, that was the life of the business. That’s what we did. And so from then on, I’ve actually learned to do that with many of the companies that I built, um, you know, we’ll define the basics, right? Like what’s the brand called the basic things like that. But beyond that, we wouldn’t go much deeper because we wouldn’t need to actually, it would be discovered and developed as we move along. So the reason I shared with you is, um, that’s, that’s, you know, that kind of agility and flexibility and openness is part of, kind of the new world of startup companies. I mean, in general and a lot of them, you know, don’t have the time don’t have the money, don’t have the expertise, don’t know where to go to actually do that. Right. So they’re not like your airline or your, you know, your performance sports car brand right there. They’re just two guys and a girl, whatever it is sitting in the backyard or in the garage, having an idea to change the world and they need to get the brand out there. That’s it? That’s just full stop. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. I mean, look, some people get lucky like yourself, um, they, you get lucky and stuff, but there are other people that have tried that method and it’s not been so successful. And I think also depends on the type of business, um, and the type of market you’re trying to penetrate. So I feel like that is a great approach. And I, I am a very, um, I like, I’m a very spontaneous person, so I like to, I like to see how things evolve over time. However, like you said, you at least had the basic, you know, aim or a name and things like that, but a lot of brands don’t and you know, they want to start a, um, a food business and then just call it a food. Like, you know, in one perspective that’s a great name because it’s straight to the point it’s simple.
Then another time they’re like, where’s the creativity. Like there’s no effort, you know? Um, so I think it really depends on what it is you’re trying to do and what you’re trying to accomplish. And of course, people don’t have a lot of people, like you said, they just chill and they’re like, oh, how can we change the world? Or how can we do this? And, you know, you don’t really need all that money to do all of that. And you know, you just need a little bit of common sense, a little bit of creativity, a little bit of know how, and you got it. And like you said, you figure things out as you go along. That’s why people and companies rear-end, and that’s why they create campaigns to say different messages every, you know, by yearly or by annually or yearly, um, or even after five years. So it really depends. It really, really depends. Yeah.
No, I agree with you. Like, there’s definitely two paths. I don’t think there’s one right or wrong, but I just wanted to highlight that that’s a possibility, again, we’re here to shrink things down. Right. So if we think about how to shrink it down, it’s a different demographic. I mean, like we said, they’re startup companies or medium-sized companies that just don’t have that kind of infrastructure. So, but back to the point, so hack number two, I mean, we’re looking at the tutorials, right? Key messages, number one. So what do you do next in the hat that relates to in this tutorial? So you’re going to teach me in five minutes, how to pull it off.
So basically, um, each five minute take is going to be about a topic. So first conceptualization then key message, then storytelling, and then creating mood boards. People don’t know how to create mood boards. Um, so how to create what you want your visuals to look like or the flow of the production. Um, and then how to actually gather the team, how to, um, involve, like, for example, let’s say, okay, so how to involve brands and other companies in what you’re trying to produce, how to reach out, it’s all how to, to get your production done
In the simplest way. Yep. And the reason, the reason YouTube is one, one, it’s the second largest, uh, search engine in the world. They specialize in the how to, right. So, so you want to like, you know, how to sew, how to cook, how to take video, how to, how to drive, whatever it is, just how to, whatever it is. And yeah. YouTube is the place to go. Right. So just shows exactly that. So I love that. How to perfect. Yeah.
It’s just that, it’s just that, um, it’s, it’s very important because basically what I’m catering to, or what I’m aiming to cater to is not as too small to medium companies, uh, startups, individuals, it’s, like you said, it’s not for the major corporations because they already have all of the, you know, resources to do what they want to do. Um, it’s for the people that actually need guidance and that’s what I’m here for.
Yeah, exactly. So, okay, so, so key message. And then what would be after that? What, what would the modules look like each five minute one? So, key message. Is it going to, or is it going to follow the exact format that you talked about in the first hack? Is that how it is?
It’ll probably follow that and probably add some more as I see what the demand is. So for example, if they want to see how to write a proposal to reach out to brands, I would create one for that. Um, but it will first be the first five key factors to producing, uh, a commercial and then seeing how that progresses. Yeah. Cause those are the five main elements. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah.
Cool. Okay. And that’s going to be, I’m assuming that you’re going to be doing that digitally 100% online, a 100% scalable. Any, any time, any place, real low cost, anyone can figure it out, right?
Absolutely. Absolutely. Definitely. Okay,
Awesome. That’s the way to go. I think that’s, that’s pretty awesome. Now what about, um, some of the effects and techniques? Cause there’s a lot of people interested in effects and techniques and you’ve seen, I mean, we talked about this before. We’ve seen some of these smaller, um, guys on, on, on tech talk on Instagram within like 60 seconds. They like the show you technique, like they take the phone and just kind of go in and out and flip like this and then rotate it. And it gives us a fact and it’s so it’s like, you’re like, wow. And so immediately in seconds you want to execute, are you going to be looking at things like that to just springboard equal effects? Yeah.
Oh, absolutely. Um, uh, I’ll definitely be going through, you know, tips and tricks of techniques, uh, for certain things. So for example, food, people like to see it move, like not just stills. So maybe have like a, like a, a rotating dish, like a lazy Susan to put your, uh, whatever on it, your items, and then spin it and see how that comes out. The coloring, you know, styling, the food is very important, you know? Um, a lot of content is based on styling, you know? Um, so how to style a shoot?
I think styling is a highly underestimated area because from past experience in courses that we’ve created hiring the stylist and then getting the resources to style is one of these blind spot areas that people like just, you know, they don’t think about it or they don’t put enough effort in it, or it becomes like a last ditch effort at the very end of the process. And it can be the most viable, vital part of the whole thing. Right? Like you said, food is one of them. So a friend of mine is, uh, he’s a food photographer and he has a stylist that works with him and he shows me like these incredible pictures. I mean, you just want to jump through the picture and eat whatever’s there. And it’s just all styling and props. That’s all it is. Right? Yeah.
They don’t, they don’t, um, you know, uh, we get, you know, whenever I get requested, Hey, uh, come to the restaurant and, you know, do a shoot for a new menu, like, okay, who’s styling the shoot. Oh, you know, maybe you could do it. Um, no, I’m not a food stylist. We have to have a pro food stylist because they know the angles that, you know, need to be that the items need to be placed in an order for it to be shot in the most effective way. You know, like if shoot a sushi roll, it’s not going to be the same as shooting a donuts. So there are certain things and that translates to even car shoots to fashion. Oh my goodness. Fashion shoots. I am flabbergasted at how some brands or clients do not want a stylist on set. And this is the most thing I stress about my guys. None of us here are professional status. We need a professional stylist to style the model. Yeah. I’m like, you know, the designer has this idea of how they want their pieces to look like on a model. That’s great. However, the stylist comes in and gives it that extra edge, that extra kick, that extra look and feel to execute to. So it looks great, um, in the shot, you know, um, so it styling is, is a, is a major aspect of any shoots and it definitely is very underrated.
It’s definitely like it’s a blind spot that, like I said, and you’ve rightly pointed out. So it’s not just me. It’s, it’s several other people. I think what’s interesting that you’re pointing out is how to segment styling. And I think there could be a lot of training and I think the more niche you become, the more powerful it is. The great example is boots. You have a lot of, um, chefs or cooks, whatever you wanna call it. Let’s just call it. Yeah. Chefs who are working from home, using Instagram, right. They’re creating cakes and cupcakes and cookies and sandwiches. And you know, we, I’ve seen people who build like these healthy energy snacks from home and then ballooning these massive businesses, but they don’t know how to take the pictures. Right. And so if you had like in five minutes, you teach like anybody who runs a food business from home, um, whatever it is, cupcakes desserts.
And so the more you segment the, the, and the more niche you become, obviously I think there’s a ton of room in there. There’s a tons of people in the fashion business working from home or, or small businesses who, again, like you said, how do you style it? How do you model it? Um, and I think you can just keep going on and on like the products and different things, people creating jewelry from home. So I think the other thing I would challenge you on is like going and finding the best possible people in those spaces and then getting them as part of your brand and the way that you deliver the training.
Absolutely. Absolutely. I, there is nothing more, I love thing, gathering people that want to cultivate creativity. There’s nothing more that I love. I love seeing these people in action and they’re extremely talented and I just, I just love it. It’s actually something that I enjoy being a part of because I learned something every single day, every single day.
Yep. Absolutely. I love that. And again, coming from experiences that with creativity, it requires really good structure and incentives for creative people. So, so the thing is like, I, you know, I’ve been in creative settings where just it’s wonderfully creative. The energy’s awesome. Everybody’s passionate. The world is beautiful. Everything is going great, but nothing gets done or nothing works the way you want it. Right. It’s not going to work. Right. Yeah. I mean,
Yeah. And I’ve, I’ve been on sets where the sets were stunning, you know, to say stunning as an understatement, it was so ma like the set designer did an incredible job, but then when you see the photos, it just I’m like, oh no, oh no. Why? Why? And it’s because, you know, even, even for, um, when we’re talking about speciality, even photographers, you know, they think a food photographer can shoot a fashion. Shoots can shoot a lifestyle shot. No, no, it does not work that way. You have to get people that actually specialize in that field. Um, and you know, you can’t be a Jack of all trades because your, your, your creativity is your unique selling point. So if, if you are a food photographer, there’s no way I’m booking you in for a fashion shoot. Even if it’s, yeah. It’s just not going to happen. Yeah.
No, I agree with you. I mean, my friend, who’s a food photographer. He has this problem all the time. Like even with me, I was like, Hey, can you come take a product shop for me? He’s like, no, I can’t. He’s like, you want to help me? I’m going to connect you with the right guy. He’s like, it’s just, it’s different photography. So people don’t understand it. Yeah. It’s kind of weird because it’s like, well, this camera lights on an item. I mean, what’s the difference. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, that’s,
That’s one of the things I’d want to highlight is how to look for the right people who, who qualifies to be a, you know, an adequate or an amazing, uh, food photographer, a food stylist. Um, how do you, like, it’s basically how to create a team for you.
Yep. And I think also like skilling people up in your system. So it’s like today, today I’m a food photographer and tomorrow I need to do, and the world is agile. Right. I mean, I, I, unless I just, I need to learn it in five minutes to pull it off tomorrow. And I want the awesome techniques possible or the most popular techniques or the latest techniques that just give me that edge. I want it in five minutes. To me that’s valuable. It’s valuable.
Absolutely. Because you can get food photographers that like, oh, you know, I’m tired of being a food photographer. I want to switch to fashion. You can. Why not? You know, and these techniques will help you. You know what I mean? So this is also another thing, cause we’re constantly evolving. We’re constantly learning new things. We’re finding passions in so many different things. So why not
Agreed. Agreed. And I think that’s what that kind of agility. And that’s where we talk about creativity and structure. Right. Um, that’s SU super crucial where your structure needs to enable the creativity in order for that to work. Otherwise it’s just a big mix. Right? You don’t want that. So I think for this hack to work is you got to get the structure, right. And you got to start with foundation. So it sounds like, it sounds like you’ve got like an awesome grip the foundation. And I think it’s like, how do you stretch out from the foundation training and expand into the specialties, especially the latest techniques. I mean, the most phenomenal thing right now is Tik TOK and Tik talk. I mean, I gotta, I gotta be honest with you. My, my frame of mind is not tech talk, but I started to research it and analyze it and spend time on there.
And it just shocked. It shocked me with how creative the people on this platform are. Um, they’re way more creative than on the other platforms. That’s kind of like why, and I’m still, I, I still debate why I’m trying to figure it out, but for whatever reason, this platform has done something to enable people to become even more creative. And they’re doing really fast, really cheap, and to do it really well. And I really believe that that is w that is the future of our world when it comes to creativity. Um, you know, unlike what you’re doing, which is like, you know, these big productions. Yes. There’s a lot to learn about it, but the world isn’t really heading there, it’s heading to, um, all these small new businesses, exactly micro businesses that are being built just as we speak. Right. Probably from the beginning, from this, from this that we’re doing now, till now there’s probably a million micro businesses have been already created from the minute you and I have started talking literally, literally.
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And you know, um, to think that everybody has the capital or the budget to produce these half a million dollar commercials, it’s absurd. No, it’s it’s. And how often will you have these?
Exactly. Well, that’s the don’t thing. Frequency is the name of your game because frequency has what created this to become cheaper, faster, easier. Um, you know, I think you mentioned before the, the lifespan of a TV commercial was six months or something like that initially is that I don’t know the tiniest six months to a year. Yeah. Two a year. Okay. So you, you build this commercial six months to a year, uh, is the shelf life, right? But imagine that you have people creating stuff every single day, like, imagine you sit down,
You create something recently, 365
New things in one whole year, every single day, fresh. That is where the world is going there. They cannot see the same thing over and over again. It’s not going to work anymore.
Exactly. And even if it’s the same topic, they’ll see it in different ways. Cause like, like you said about tick-tock, uh, one person can, you know, do something and then you stitch it and you do your own thing. So it’s the same topic, but you see from different perspectives. Yeah. That’s insane to think that that is, that’s how easy it is to create that much content. That’s insane, you know? Um, and also about tech talk. What I found to be very helpful is that, you know, if you use it to make a video, it it’s so easy to use. It’s very user-friendly I think, you know, um, it’s user-friendly and like you can take takes, you know, you can save drafts and go back and edit and like, it’s, it’s great for people that want fat. Yeah. And it’s made for people that want to have a lot of content because it’s, you know, you can do so many at the same time. Yeah.
It must be the reason because I bring in the videos rather than create it with it. So I think this agility thing, the other thing is one thing, multiple perspectives. So people will take like a single song. Right. And that’s, the music is huge because it ticked off and people apply multiple creativity to a single song. Like, whoa, there’s one used for tourism. Uh, you probably know it because you’ve done a lot of tourism work where, um, I don’t know the song, but they start with this like one picture, it goes a bit slow and then they start back. Did it,
Did it, did it and that’s fast. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I forgot the, uh, one somebody to love or something. Yeah. That’s it. That’s, that’s the one. So also like
How many times can you hear that song? I mean the pounding that song in your mind, there’s no better way to do it. Yeah. Then you have multiple forms of creativity. So they’re like, I’m listening to this song, seeing something new with that song every time this never happened in music history, it’s never happened. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Those elements anyways. I mean, long story short, I think like this hack number two has me super excited because if you can teach that stuff in five minutes, um, everything from the techniques to the foundations and getting, uh, getting that together, one of the secrets of really good content is a really good outline. And usually I say, you got to go to a four layer outline. So four layers, like, you know, you’ve got your chapter, your parts, your sections, and then your messages inside it. And that usually gives you a very well-structured, um, outline that you can use to write a book, to write a movie, uh, to make, to make a commercial with, or a course in this case. I think it’s crucial to making this a growth time.
Absolutely. I, I think that, and even like you said, a structure cause even Tik TOK has a structure, you know? Um, so I think having a structure, even if you’re creative, that’s very important too, because then you can even test your own boundaries, your own skillset, you know, and see, okay, uh, would this structure, how much can I do in this? You know, what else can I do in this? You know, in this section limitation. Yeah.
As it was, um, in 2006, I was lucky to meet, um, Mike Eisner of Disney and we shared a platform together and he was talking about, uh, creativity in the box. So he’s like this thing about creativity out of the box. He’s like, it doesn’t work. It’s about creativity and the box, once you’ve got limitations, you know what they are, your truest form of creativity happens in that format. And it’s true. And he talked about micromanagement. People were like, what do you mean by micromanagement? Everyone reads. You’d be like, you know, delegating. He’s like, no, it’s like when it comes to creativity in the box with micromanagement is when you get phenomenal output and productivity and that’s how the whole Disney brand was built. And so this was obviously a while ago I’ve learned this and had recognized that that was exactly the secret formula to it was that, which is what tech talk is doing. Yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, and actually, um, when I speak to a lot of like filmmakers and content creators, uh, one comment that always comes up is they don’t like it when, especially content creators more than filmmakers is that let’s say a brand contact you to do content for their brand. They don’t like it when the brand says, okay, but do it like this, do it like this. They don’t like too much, um, struck yeah. Or structure or, you know, because you know, they basically approached you because they like what you do. So, you know, giving too many guidelines kills the creativity too.
The structure that you can help guide and change because there’ll be changes with that. So it’s almost like a brand comes in and they just give like a really basic just headlines. It’s like, we need you to do this. And you know what? They might do brands and big brands in the future. They may hire 50 people to do the same thing at once. And they’ll play which one you got, see which one they may pay them all like a minimal amount, but whoever they decide to take it gets paid the pot. Right. It just could be one of the future business models that this space you never know because ultimately that, that actually cause to see what they’re used to is the agency model, which is like, you go to one spot and they kind of do everything for you. And it’s all curated for you in a nice, beautiful, fancy way because of the world. Isn’t really like that. Now we’ve got tools that enable us to do that. We’ve got AI, we’ve got, you know, all kinds of things that can help us expedite this. Right. So you get one, one creative statement, go figure it out in 30, 15, second commercial, 32nd commercial, you get 50 people on it. And within 24, 48 hours, you’ve got 50 examples to look at that are super creative from all different perspectives. There you go. Yeah. Yeah,
Yeah, exactly. And I love that. Like I love that. And I feel sometimes, um, especially for, for trendy topics or for trendy things, um, having an agency model way of doing things is quite mundane. Yeah.
Yeah. It’s, it’s it’s opposite me. It’s going to be, yeah. All the major agencies are suffering, uh, and they’re struggling to change their models, but leave that aside. That’s not where you are advantaged your advantage. Right. And so you’re changing that to these acts. So, so that’s awesome. So is there anything else you want to add to hack number two that you’d like to tell anybody about?
Um, I think to stay tuned to the tutorials and the different, um, you know, con, um, to stay tuned in, to think of, if there’s anything else they would like to know about in a, in a five minute tutorial to definitely let me know. Um, I’m here to help. I’m here to guide and I’m definitely here to spread knowledge. So awesome.
So for those who want to learn more about Shahada, they’re getting contact with her. Her information will be below in the description. So please feel free to reach out to her just as a recap, this is the 10 day growth hacking challenge. We do three growth acts in 10 days to 10 X, the size of your business. And we’re on growth hack. Number two today, growth hack. Number one was a five point format that Shahad is having someone film her as she does it as a form of creating or showing the format and in growth hack. Number two, where we are today is she’s turning those into five minute tutorials. You have a specific name for them, which is five minute take, right? Five minute takes, five minute takes, right? Which is in five minutes, she’ll teach you the foundation in different components and then techniques that will build on that.
So you can quickly develop, um, the big hack, which is we’re trying to take a half, a million dollar 62nd professional TV, commercial, turn it into a 15 second social media clip or advertisement for $50 or less. That’s what we’re out to hack. Keep tuned, hack. Number three is coming. And I think we have potentially some surprises coming, I hope right with everybody. Right. Right. Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. So hopefully some of those tuning in this is all based on the growth, thinking that the [inaudible], um, to learn more about that, there’ll be links below and keep tuned to the challenge. Uh, we keep it live and active and we try to show live cases of this actually taking place. And we’ll see you in hack number three, next time. Bye-bye.