10x growth in 10 days from a podcast to media production house [Growth Hacking results S1 – E5]
Transcript below
#GrowthHacking #GrowthHack #Growthhacker #Challenge #Competition By Growth Thinking Book The 10 day growth hacking challenge 10 days 3 growth hacks 10x results In 10 days, this challenge will turn your ideas into action in a snap to grow your business. Growth thinking is a new design methodology used by the top growth hackers, and now it’s here for everyone to use. Based on the bestselling book Growth Thinking, a design approach to growth hacking, you will quickly transform your growth from a flat-line to a swinging curve. Learn this methodology to quickly, easily, and at a low cost fuel your growth. The best part no expertise in growth hacking is required. Get nominated today by reaching out to a challenger who has taken the challenge to nominate you as a contender.
Introduction The 10 day growth hacking challenge is designed to accelerate entrepreneurs’ growth from an idea to action in a snap. The challenge uses the growth thinking design methodology based on the book “Growth Thinking, think, design, growth hack, a design approach to growth hacking.” This challenge is destined to help those aspiring to grow exponentially use growth hacking as the means of growth. This is based on a science-based design tool used by some of the world’s top growth hackers.
The challenge gets the contenders focused on a growth problem they are actively tackling. Once that has been identified, the contender develops 3-growth hacks in 10 days. The guided approach challenges the contender to get out of their comfort zone using the best growth hacking strategies and tools. Using the growth thinking design to growth hack, the contenders use the creative yet structured approach to design, implement and test their growth hacks. This enables them to develop the core skills required to get their growth on track.
1. How does the challenge work?
In 10 days, you will develop 3 growth hacks to accelerate your growth. Those growth hacks can be in few formats. A single growth goal, with a single growth hack, improved until optimized. A single growth goal, with a multiple growth hack, improved until optimized. Multiple growth goals, with a single growth hack, improved until optimized. Multiple growth goals, with a multiple growth hack, improved until optimized. There is no wrong or right but rather what works best for you. The secret behind this is about getting your growth goal well defined. This is basically what is your number one growth problem. Once you know this, everything gets smoother and more refined with time.
2. Who is this challenge for?
The 10 day growth hacking challenge is for entrepreneurs and small-medium size business owners. This challenge is for one person, and it should be the key decision-maker of the business, like the CEO or founder only. If you’re in one of the following situations, you qualify. New startups (6-months old and more) Already operating businesses The key decision-maker Have a growth challenge This is not for people who are planning or about to start a business. This is not about how to or what sort of business I should begin to; we focus on already established companies, even if they are startups who have been operating for a very little amount of time, but they have to be operating.
3. How do I get nominated?
If a contender has not nominated you, reach out to a current or previous contender to nominate you. Please describe your passion, mission, vision, and growth problem to the contender who will recommend you. Contenders will only back those they feel or see fit and can benefit from this challenge.
4. What are the benefits?
Only 1% of companies ever achieve exponential growth. This is a unique opportunity to access rare resources and a methodology used by the top girth hackers globally who have helped unicorn startups and fortune 500 companies grow. Skill-building to develop your growth hacking talent Inspiration to get you moving and taking action Expert guides insights by bestselling author Nader Sabry A launchpad to continue growing as a capability Access to unique resources only the best growth hackers use Usually, this kind of training and expert-guided consulting during the process would be more than USD $10,000. They get this all for free with access to the author to further support skill development and enhance growth hacking practices for challengers and nominees.
=========== Visit AJ at @Jibber with Jaber and see Interview with @Nader Sabry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJNMB… ===========
Learn how to grow hack using the growth thinking methodology.
To learn more, go to https://www.mygrowththinking.com
or get the book on Amazon

Transcript below
Nader Sabry (00:16):
Welcome to the overall review here. And our very last video with Aja, he successfully finished the 10 day growth hacking challenge for those tuning in this is based on the growth thinking methodology in the book right here, and Asia has been inched, a three growth tax in 10 days to 10 X, his business. He’s done an amazing pivot. I’m going to let him give just a quick overview on what his experience has been like. And the purpose of this is to take a look at what are some of the learnings that he has learned and what he can pass on to those who are watching this, who can also learn from it. And at the very end, we’ll be looking at who he’s going to pass on the challenge to and challenge them as the next contender and the 10 day growth hacking challenge Aja over to you. Tell me what you’ve done in this whole challenge in brief from one, two and three, and what your overall learnings have been and what you would like others to know about this and what they can learn from your experience.
Ahmad Jaber (01:13):
Okay. So, uh, in the beginning, so we started off with discoverability. So it was about how to, you know, be more discoverable, which little tricky ways, um, to kind of get yourself more seen and in which things that are there, that you’re, you’re just not utilizing and just not seeing simple things like, you know, starting the website and, and having, uh, Tammy do to texts for the episodes and stuff. So it becomes so much more discoverable because the words and the name and the Jibo with Jabber and everything is coming up so much more, um, in the, in the SEO. Um, I think that was really important. And, and again, it’s the one thing that I found is all these things are not expensive things. They’re not things that aren’t just available to you anyway. Um, that was, I think the refreshing thing to realize that, you know, being pointed in the right direction where you need as a little, a little nudge, and then you’ll start to realize, you know, how easy these things are.
Ahmad Jaber (02:06):
Um, that was, uh, the main one. The second one was going into the, uh, the Java media and getting the, the media company going, hiring out, um, the studio production to other podcasts, getting that in, and then the other one was okay, so how do I not turn that? And, you know, expand it to get more people in. Um, and also that was the same thing with the word of mouth and the WhatsApp groups and the, and, and, and essentially it also ties in with one, because it was also still the discoverability, but it was now a reality for two things, as opposed to just the one thing that was initially on offer.
Nader Sabry (02:43):
Yep. And I think if you can just give a quick background to what the growth problem was initially that led us down this path. Um, because I think it’s really important for those tuning in and looking at all of this in action. Do you understand what was the actual growth problem from the very beginning and how we reached all the way to the end of this? Because in 10, you’ve had a pivot, which is quite amazing, but if you can just highlight quickly the growth problem in the very beginning to all that, that’s sprung us into all of this.
Ahmad Jaber (03:08):
I mean, the growth problem was discoverability. It was a case of, you know, doing something and getting downhearted and not being quite sure why they’re not getting as many views or as many people because the people I’ve I’ve been getting on for the, for the podcasts are really interesting, amazing people. And they’re sharing so much knowledge, just like, you know, yourself and other people on that, who people are missing out on this. And I know I’d get quite upset because it wasn’t just the case of views. It was, uh, you guys are missing out on some great content. So that was the kind of the,
Nader Sabry (03:41):
So basically like, like if we put in a nutshell, I was like, you were growing, you want to grow the audience, you want to grow the people that you’re interviewing. You want to get more media attention towards the podcast. And I think one of the unique things to point out for those who haven’t gone to the podcasts, and I suggest you do, we’ll put it in the description. Um, AGA doesn’t do just audio. He does visual, visual and audio together in one, which brings out a whole third dimension to the podcast, just, just to give a background for anyone who’s tuning in.
Ahmad Jaber (04:07):
And we did offer that. Um, also we were, you know, uh, we got on in the publications in the media because we did the Guinness world record the flooding podcast. So, you know, it just, they all started falling into place. So you had, you know, the main people who cover loving Dubai, who cover everything happening in Dubai, everything else, you know, of note that you should be doing, we got mentioned in their thing. So that was also kind of like getting traction and that, and then we went onto the TV. So, uh, you sat TV, started playing previous episodes on that all over the middle East. Um, so the traction started building and building building, and I think I was most surprised. And she was, was the pivot. Yes, exactly. That was generating money as well, which also helps because I can then, you know, relax a bit and focus more on the podcast because I know money’s coming in from somewhere else to kind of,
Nader Sabry (05:02):
For those tuning in. I mean, I think a lot of people are curious about the experience of a pivot. Can you give a bit of background to those tuning in how this process has helped you with this pivot? Like, would you have caught this pivot or not? If it wasn’t for this process? And if so, what is it about this process that helped you understand this pivot and work your way through it?
Ahmad Jaber (05:23):
I definitely wouldn’t have caught this pivot at all. It would have been, I was there for five months in that studio without ever crossing my mind or anything that I should be using the studio and using, you know, my production techniques a month to scale was to actually help other people do this. And it’s really interesting as well, because right now, pub costing and digital is the way forward. Everyone wants to start a podcast. You know, one of the people that wanted to once, you know what I mean to me to produce them, which I’ve started now is a, it’s a real estate company. And it’s a giant real estate company in Dubai, but in the UK. So it just shows just like with my one, how I don’t have a niche, I kind of have just very interesting people because I like the subjects to change.
Ahmad Jaber (06:08):
I liked the characters to change. It showed me that even people who have a niche kind of don’t know they have all the content, but they don’t know how to go about it. They don’t, they don’t know the first thing about starting a costs. So then it kind of opened those doors to, well, I do, and I have the equipment and I have the skills and I have the production side, so we can kind of gel together and I’ll show you how to do it. And we’ll, and we’ll move on from there. So that was really something that I just literally just see.
Nader Sabry (06:37):
You’re a perfect example of what I do in a lot of the training on top of where the biggest growth opportunities come from, the unknown and the unseen. So linear thinking will work. It requires lateral thinking, which what is what this process is about. And it’s, it’s, it’s comforting to know that the process has helped you, uh, see it coming because I see this happen with clients all the time. Um, big opportunities come, they don’t know what to do. They don’t see them when they arrive, then they go right past them. And then when the new opportunity is on its way, it hasn’t quite arrived. They are unable to detect it and it goes right past them. And, and so they kind of wonder, why am I not growing? It’s because it comes from some of the most unknown places, and this is a perfect example of, of, you know, going from one direction and then completely shifting.
Nader Sabry (07:19):
But it’s still helping you achieve your initial growth where we wanted it to, but you’re pivoting into a whole new area. And I think that’s really, really exciting, especially in a space that’s fast growing, like, like podcasting and it’s a space that’s going to continue to grow. I believe in this. And I think that there’s going to be a lot of innovation. That’s going to take place in your process as, as you go through. So it’s going to be really interesting to follow up with you in the future to see how, how have you gone down this pivot and what what’s happening on this. So if you were to break down your whole experience in this 10 day growth hacking challenge into kind of three outcomes, three learnings that you’ve made, what would those three learnings be that you’ve gotten out of this whole process?
Ahmad Jaber (07:59):
I think one would be mobility. It’s important to have some accountability for what you’re doing, because a lot of people wait, I mean, this is a, you know, an example when my friends say, uh, I want to get a house before I have my child, or I want to, I want things to be right financially, but there’s never a good time to start. And you know what I mean, the only time anything be in perfect places after you die, where there’s no worries. There’s no anything
Nader Sabry (08:27):
It’s too late. Yeah.
Ahmad Jaber (08:30):
Um, so getting accountable, having someone that I know that if I’m letting them down by not doing things properly and in time kind of helped me to be like, all right, just get started and do it. And, and, you know, let the, let the ball roll and grow as you’re going down the Hill kind of thing, as opposed to thinking, I can’t start this yet because I don’t have this policy yet. And I don’t have that part.
Nader Sabry (08:51):
You shouldn’t ability basically. So point number one is like, it’s like, just start actioning. That’s the, that’s the starting point of going just that’s 50% of the solution is just starting actually that that’s what gets you moving? Just, just start, even if you don’t know what the outcome is. So I say, okay, that’s number one. So what was it? What’s the second and third thing that you’d say is as a learning outcome out of this whole challenge,
Ahmad Jaber (09:12):
Thinking like you were saying about the lateral thinking and changing the way I thought about it, because a lot of it was kind of like, okay, I need to focus on this and get this done. And the second I started to think outside, instead of just thinking straight and tunnel vision, that’s when the pivot started happening. And that’s when I stopped being able to have other things that started to come that I didn’t even think about doing so changing the way that I was thinking and the way that I was focusing, what I was focusing on.
Nader Sabry (09:40):
Perfect. And so you became like more growth thinking. You started thinking like a growth factor, which is, well, I’ve seen the transformation. I mean, that’s what this is about. I’ve seen it that you’re like, you’re identifying like how to break into things. I mean, legally of course, and to make these things work for you, which, which is
Ahmad Jaber (09:56):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’d say, and I’d say we as well is, uh, also it was a bit of, um, it was a bit of a mixture of feelings. It was a case of knowing that I’m doing something right by even being on this hack. Do you know what I mean? So by, because I got to know you from the podcast and people are going to get to know you from my podcast and from this, and being able to actually now spread the hack and spread the knowledge to someone else to kind of help them grow and then, you know, help with their businesses and stuff. Because sometimes a lot of people don’t like to ask for help and they tend to spend a lot of time doing things that they don’t really need to do. And so when’s it in the right direction. And having, having someone who knows, who can see from an outside point of view, what you’re missing, having a mentor, I think is very important in anything you do. And that it just, you know, spreads out so much more than it helps you to be a lot more, um, open to ideas and a lot more, you know, open to growth
Nader Sabry (11:05):
And focused. Yeah, exactly. Open to growth. I mean, I think that’s a really good point to conclude as being open to growth and knowing what to do with it. And I think that’s what you’ve successfully done. And as a great example, to motivate others who are watching the soap coming to the end of this, is there any final thought or idea you want to share before we go to the next contenders?
Ahmad Jaber (11:25):
No, I’m just overwhelmed by how quick thing, to be honest, I think this speed in, in, in how things started to unfold is what surprises me the most. Um, yeah,
Nader Sabry (11:37):
I think probably like, I’d say 50% of it is a process, but the other part, which is, you know, point number when we said I took action and that’s 50% of the actual ability to get to growing and does it, there’s another part to this, which is like the flow of energy. And when you, when you know what you want and you’re open to what’s around you, the flow of energy around you starts to realign around you. And I, and you’ve seen that happen. I know that’s not part of this process, but this process triggers exactly that. And that’s part of the outcome. And I’m glad that within this 10 day challenge, which is amazing, I’m telling you that, you know, not very many people pivot, you know, I run a course called it’s called the, um, the secret of resilience. And we know that through research, when it comes to building resilience in leadership, only 1% of people actually pivot for a number of reasons. We can talk about later on, not maybe not in this, but, but I’m just telling you that it’s actually very rare and I’m really happy that you’ve done it and that this process has helped you. So, uh, you know, ha hats off to you.
Ahmad Jaber (12:36):
So it’s either, this is a lot more to come. There’s a lot more,
Nader Sabry (12:39):
I’m sure there is there as well as we conclude what I, what I like to do in all these challenges is in the book you have about 20 growth hacks that you can create. An AJ has finished three. So at the end of every competition or challenge, I will say, if you finish all 20 of them in 60 days, I’m going to put you into my all-star program, which is being designed now. So it’s how to really kick up growth even to another level. And it’s about always kicking up to another level and level level as part of the 10 day challenge at the very end. Uh, it is up to every contender to nominate another contender that they believe who can benefit from this process. As them as an example, I think you’ve got somebody very interested, lined up, tell us who it is and let’s nominate them. Yes.
Ahmad Jaber (13:22):
So I’m going to nominate, uh, it’s a, it’s a duo and my good friends of mine who have created a company called the K boutique, and they’re doing swimwear, but it’s for it’s for plus size models. And for, for that for everyday people, it’s not, um, you know, very kind of like catwalk model that, you know, is it, they’re doing it for people. There’s a lot of love that comes out of it. A lot of thought that their designs and, um, and yeah, I just, you know, I know that 10 days with you and they will have a whole new outlook on the way they’re doing things and really cool as well, because they’ve kind of just started it. So this is the perfect time to kind of save themselves a year of mistakes, as opposed to, you know, that they can condense in 10 days, like we did kind of thing. So I’m really interested to see on how they go on with it.
Nader Sabry (14:14):
So that’s the next contenders, uh, we’ll get started with the process with them. And that’s how we keep this challenge going. I’m super excited. Aja, thank you for spending these 10 days with me. I hope that this continues. I hope to see you in the all-star program and that you continue to keep pushing the growth. So we’ll see you hopefully in the all-star program. Thanks
Ahmad Jaber (14:36):
Much, dude has been absolutely amazing. And I’m going to, you’re going to show the front, I’m going to show the back because,
Nader Sabry (14:43):
And I’m going to go, there we go. Excellent. So ha that’s awesome. Well, we’ll hopefully in 60 days and we’ll see you in the all star pro.