How to build a podcasting studio service for podcasters [Growth Hack #2: S1 – E3]
Transcript below
#GrowthHacking #GrowthHack #Growthhacker #Challenge #Competition By Growth Thinking Book The 10 day growth hacking challenge 10 days 3 growth hacks 10x results In 10 days, this challenge will turn your ideas into action in a snap to grow your business. Growth thinking is a new design methodology used by the top growth hackers, and now it’s here for everyone to use. Based on the bestselling book Growth Thinking, a design approach to growth hacking, you will quickly transform your growth from a flat-line to a swinging curve. Learn this methodology to quickly, easily, and at a low cost fuel your growth. The best part no expertise in growth hacking is required. Get nominated today by reaching out to a challenger who has taken the challenge to nominate you as a contender.
Introduction The 10 day growth hacking challenge is designed to accelerate entrepreneurs’ growth from an idea to action in a snap. The challenge uses the growth thinking design methodology based on the book “Growth Thinking, think, design, growth hack, a design approach to growth hacking.” This challenge is destined to help those aspiring to grow exponentially use growth hacking as the means of growth. This is based on a science-based design tool used by some of the world’s top growth hackers.
The challenge gets the contenders focused on a growth problem they are actively tackling. Once that has been identified, the contender develops 3-growth hacks in 10 days. The guided approach challenges the contender to get out of their comfort zone using the best growth hacking strategies and tools. Using the growth thinking design to growth hack, the contenders use the creative yet structured approach to design, implement and test their growth hacks. This enables them to develop the core skills required to get their growth on track.
1. How does the challenge work?
In 10 days, you will develop 3 growth hacks to accelerate your growth. Those growth hacks can be in few formats. A single growth goal, with a single growth hack, improved until optimized. A single growth goal, with a multiple growth hack, improved until optimized. Multiple growth goals, with a single growth hack, improved until optimized. Multiple growth goals, with a multiple growth hack, improved until optimized. There is no wrong or right but rather what works best for you. The secret behind this is about getting your growth goal well defined. This is basically what is your number one growth problem. Once you know this, everything gets smoother and more refined with time.
2. Who is this challenge for?
The 10 day growth hacking challenge is for entrepreneurs and small-medium size business owners. This challenge is for one person, and it should be the key decision-maker of the business, like the CEO or founder only. If you’re in one of the following situations, you qualify. New startups (6-months old and more) Already operating businesses The key decision-maker Have a growth challenge This is not for people who are planning or about to start a business. This is not about how to or what sort of business I should begin to; we focus on already established companies, even if they are startups who have been operating for a very little amount of time, but they have to be operating.
3. How do I get nominated?
If a contender has not nominated you, reach out to a current or previous contender to nominate you. Please describe your passion, mission, vision, and growth problem to the contender who will recommend you. Contenders will only back those they feel or see fit and can benefit from this challenge.
4. What are the benefits?
Only 1% of companies ever achieve exponential growth. This is a unique opportunity to access rare resources and a methodology used by the top girth hackers globally who have helped unicorn startups and fortune 500 companies grow. Skill-building to develop your growth hacking talent Inspiration to get you moving and taking action Expert guides insights by bestselling author Nader Sabry A launchpad to continue growing as a capability Access to unique resources only the best growth hackers use Usually, this kind of training and expert-guided consulting during the process would be more than USD $10,000. They get this all for free with access to the author to further support skill development and enhance growth hacking practices for challengers and nominees.
=========== Visit AJ at @Jibber with Jaber and see Interview with @Nader Sabry… ===========
Learn how to grow hack using the growth thinking methodology.
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Transcript below
Nader Sabry (00:17):
Hey, how you doing, man? How how’s the challenge coming along? Good. Good, good, good. Yeah.
Ahmad Jaber (00:23):
The way, you know how life intervenes sometimes, but yeah, that’s part of the challenge and part of, uh, figuring it all out.
Nader Sabry (00:30):
Absolutely. No know, I think it’s, it’s pretty awesome for those who are, uh, uh, logging in for the first time. Um, this is the second of third hacks in the 10 day three hack, uh, three, three growth hack challenge, which is designed for 10 days. You do three hacks and I work with you on those hacks so that you can design them through the, uh, growth thinking methodology. That’s outlined in this book at the end of those 10 days, our objective is to develop three growth hacks that are going to 10 X, the growth growth of your business. Um, in the first one, just to recap, we talked about discoverability and developing a growth hacker for AGSM podcasts. So people who would be searching for topics that are per interview or topics in general, that he covers or individuals that he has interviewed, he becomes more discoverable, ultimately hitting three goals, which is increasing his audience, increasing the people he would interview and then media coverage to create awareness around these podcasts. So in growth hack, number two, I’m going to let AGA take over and explain it to you, go for it. And just one thing before we go for it, this is interesting because this is a pivot and I’d like people to learn, uh, from pivots because pivots are crucial to growth. So AGA that floors over to you.
Ahmad Jaber (01:42):
Yeah. So basically what I’ve found with this one is, um, you know, while working on the first growth hack, I also, as you know, that I have, uh, I have my studio where I record and everything, and the idea, um, what I started finding is that people wanting to start getting involved and also by seeing the quality of my podcast, they wanted me to produce that, but cost for them. So it was a case of them coming in and it was a lot of, kind of cross-community where it was like, okay, we can all benefit from this apart from also paying you to do that. We can give you some walk guests, you can give us some of your guests, you know, whoever fits each other’s podcasts. Um, and like, you know, in a space of coming out of that one studio, which is, you know, which was essentially just for my one, which also kind of makes me think, hold on, there’s a, there’s a much bigger heck here, which is, you know, to create a, create a warehouse or a podcast community where, you know, what’s missing out here is a place where all podcasts can go meets up, chill out, you know, talk about each other’s podcasts, plus guests to each other.
Ahmad Jaber (02:42):
And we have four or five, six separate studios, and we literally produced it for them. So it’s a case of all they do is get their guests, then come turn up and then they leave and we do all the backend for them and have a product ready for them.
Nader Sabry (02:55):
I think that’s awesome. Just for those who are tuning in for the first time, just to let you know that, uh, jibber Jabber, which is the podcast of AIG runs, um, is a visual and audio based podcast. So he does the video and the audio combined. He just doesn’t do audio only. And I’m assuming that by people coming to your studio, you’re doing both or just audio for these podcasts.
Ahmad Jaber (03:18):
This is the thing. So the guys who, their two bigger fitness guys in Dubai, they have an audio podcast. And then they came in, sat down and they wanted to record it audio. And then I was like to them, well, you know, you’re missing out on a lot here by not having visuals. And you’re also missing out, you’re not going to put a podcast on YouTube with just a screensaver. Do you know what I mean? So I was like, well, let me record it for you. And see, and then they were like, okay, we definitely need to make this a bit video podcasts when they saw how much better it is and how much more engaging it is because you get to see people and see reactions and that kind of stuff. So, so yeah, they, they want to not change it to be a video and audio podcast still have the audio on all your platforms, but they want a bit of a visual one as well.
Nader Sabry (04:02):
Yeah, no, I mean, you get like a double whammy with, with, uh, with, with something like this, because you’ve opened up two options. I mean, there’s like the pure audio option that works. And then there’s the video audio option that also can go. So you cover more platforms and that’s why the first growth act you had with discoverability is super crucial because you’re covering covering many different platforms in a very rich way. So combining that is really, really important. So let me ask you with, with the people that like what’s, what is the common thing that you found as you getting traction, as you pivot to start to use your studio for other podcasts at the same time? I mean, what’s the pain point that you’ve found that you’re solving? What is it that people are ready to pay for? What is it that people are ready to see you help them to continue is to continuously create growth and value for them as you move along?
Ahmad Jaber (04:47):
I think that the main thing is that they, they see my podcast, they know my podcast because it’s gaining a lot of traction and you don’t want to go to, you know, a plumber to give you advice on how to paint your house. You know, seeing another foster who’s doing it. Well, everything is on point on day one. There’s a lot of trust in there that they know what they’re doing and they enjoy what they’re doing and they’ll know the right things to do. Um, so what I’ve started to find is also like the newest, the podcast has entered the studio. They were sending their audio over, excuse the kids in the background. Um, so they’d send their audio over to, um, uh, another country to do. They’d send this to another and the guy with the design and there’s no kind of hub where everything’s done under one roof. So I think that’s their main pain point that there’s no one that they feel comfortable going in and getting it all done. And then that
Nader Sabry (05:42):
Leave though, do you believe because you are in the physical proximity of these clients, that the trust level is there because if you send it to like a production house overseas that can just do everything in one place. I mean, what you’re really offering is the fact that there’s a physical studio, uh, that you’re available, that you have the expertise because you’re doing it for yourself, but what is it there like that would stop, uh, somebody from not stopped. But I mean, I mean, end of the day, I mean, you have the option of going to an offshore production, please, that can do it all for you, or you do it with you. What, what, what is the competitive advantage that they see with you versus actually outsourcing it all into production outsource?
Ahmad Jaber (06:20):
And the competitive part is, is, is they know where the, where what’s going on. Then there, they can see in the flesh, it’s always good to have something where you can see everything done. You know, everything’s done, you know, that, you know, there’s no time difference if they have an issue or they need something solved, they need advice. They know we’re all running on the same time. They’re not going to wait for Australia to, you know, for three in the morning to have a zoom call, meeting convenience, someone who they don’t know who they are. I mean, it’s very hard to kind of, okay, somebody can recommend someone, but you never know who somebody really isn’t another country. He might, you know, be taking on 15 other ones and not prioritizing yours, but you’re paying them for it and that kind of thing. So I think that, and also knowing that, you know, you’re sending it to a podcast house, not a, a house that also, um, you know, those adverts for nappies and does, you know, something else on the side there and you’re not getting prioritized. So what we do is we’re creating a whole podcast and community where everybody’s coming together in one place.
Nader Sabry (07:23):
Awesome. It’s almost like a maker-space for podcasters. Right. And I know you, okay, so, so how much firs there, do you see this going? I mean, okay. People coming in saying, Hey, get this done for me, you’re getting it done. I mean, do you see a growth hacking possibilities, like creating starter kits? So like for, I dunno, $500 or a thousand dollars, I can help you kickstart your podcast from scratch, no matter what your idea is, for example, or, you know, you create like ongoing packages, which is like a pay per month. And you’re able to get the following volume of work out of us in this following consistent schedule. Have you gone that far, yet or exploring
Ahmad Jaber (07:59):
And thinking about it? So it just, like you said, I mean, there are, there are all the options. I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s endless, you can do the starter kit where we start you up from nowhere. Um, there’s another one where we can do, you know, the starter kit where we’ll come and if you have your own place to do it, we’ll come, we’ll, we’ll guide you on what equipment you need, what, you know, what kind of space you need, what kind of soundproofing you need and we’ll come and set it up for you and then teach you how to do it. And then it’s all go for me from there. Um, or, you know, you hire us monthly and we’ll make sure everything’s done, we’ll upload it. So there’s different levels. You can do it in a case that I will give to the first package would be, we’ll set you up. Second package will be we’ll record it and edit you and give you the videos. And then the third package will be, we’ll completely look after your media. So we’ll upload it to YouTube. We’ll do the thumbnails, we’ll break the text for you. You literally just have to turn up and know that everything is scheduled for you rather than do you know what I mean? Because there’s headache, they’re paying a bit extra for it, but they’re getting what they’re paying for.
Nader Sabry (08:59):
Do you find that they’re asking you to generate ideas or content for them as well? Do you see that there’s any value or possibilities for that or is this just a pure production thing?
Ahmad Jaber (09:09):
I think it depends on the level of the podcast and the age of the podcast surface. Who’s quite set and they know what they’re doing, then they might not ask us to do that. But, um, again, we can also, there’s other ways we can do it, but we can have someone who’s there with you who also sits on the laptop and, and, you know, types things up while you’re doing your podcast. And if you’re talking about something, then they’ll bring it up on the screen. You know, maybe you have some false information and they’ll, they’ll quickly pop that up and you’ll be like, Oh no, actually, as you can see it, it says that. So you’ll have your very unpredictable who’s that during the show as well, not just pressing buttons and recording, but also feeding off your information and giving you subjects to talk about and stuff like that.
Nader Sabry (09:48):
Quick question. I mean, how portable is your production? So let’s say somebody says, Hey, I have an empty space, come in a set up for the day, finish the production and leave. Is that something that you can do
Ahmad Jaber (09:58):
Or are you very easy to do? Okay.
Nader Sabry (10:00):
So, so one of the things that I’d like you to consider is that there’s a lot of, um, under capacity, uh, studios in town who have the space potentially even have the equipment to the point that they’ve probably already got the lights sitting there and they may have some of the equipment that you can use on top of the equipment you already have, but it’s not being utilized. Right. And I think there could be a very interesting business model there for you just to consider as a growth act. So, um, I mean, you’re going to probably maximize the space of your studio pretty quickly. Um, and somebody may be willing to partner with you, uh, for you to basically you, you would operate the studio and then they would essentially share some of the revenue with you. Cause they’ve got the space and the equipment, but it’s not being fully capitalized on.
Nader Sabry (10:41):
Right. So those are some of the things, um, I don’t know if you’ve thought about some of those things, but they’re potential areas that you can also growth hack because I know there is quite a few studios in town that, that are on low capacity. Um, and they are looking for always trying, trying to fill it. So coming up with a potential, um, you know, a partner where you can fill the capacity. I mean, I’m sure you’re going to reach that point maybe quicker than you might think. Um, once people see the level of production you’re doing and you’re getting this community, uh, further enhanced, you’re going to find a lot of people. I mean, there’s probably like two, three people just off the top of my head right now who would probably need this service. And, um, I think, I think it’s pretty cool. So, so what’s your next steps on this?
Ahmad Jaber (11:22):
Uh, next steps would be to obviously start the ones and continue the ones that I’m doing. And also I think opening up, um, a media company, but obviously doing it in the smaller stages and baby steps and putting it out there that we can do this and that.
Nader Sabry (11:42):
What about, what about, uh, part of your discoverability? Because since you’re building your discoverability and you’re developing that media framework, right, by making yourself obviously more visible, maybe one of the calls to action as one of the services that you provide could be exactly that. So as you’re building your discoverability and hack, number one, one of the CTA or call to actions out of that discoverability was the fact like, Hey, not also, could you be a guest or we would like to, uh, get some coverage or expand the audience, but then there’s the fourth option was like, we have a broadcasting community where we can help you from idea to, uh, production, uh, depending on the kind of the three packages you’ve got. So maybe, uh, I think like, I think since you’re experimenting and you’re running that hack right now, I think you need to learn how to structure it and scale it so that we can easily turn it into a service, um, or a PR like productized service that is anyways, uh, where you can potentially connect it to the first hack that you’ve got with the discoverability. Yeah. It makes a lot of sense. Right? Does it, yeah. I mean, you kind of hit two birds with one stone. You’re making the effort you’re investing in the discoverability. Uh, you may as well use that, even if it doesn’t generate you a single lead, the point is you’ve already got the leads through your referrals, but as you scale, I think you’re going to find people coming and find like, you’ll be getting leads coming in through the discoverability hack who be like, Hey, I want these exact services. Yeah.
Nader Sabry (13:08):
I think that’s an important area to, to look at. So, um, okay. I think that’s great. I mean, I think like, like just what I love about what you’ve done is that you’ve just started doing it, which is like the best way to actually start growth hacking the best form of experimentation is like, it’s just to do it and fail. Right. And, uh, and the great thing is that you’re not failing. It’s, it’s actually working. And as you find little small things to tweak and, you know, we’ve experienced as technically with, with this kind of challenge as well, where we’re like finding, you know, different ways to tweak and optimize. And I think you’ll, you’ll find a lot of that. And I think it’s going to be really unique, um, to see what other pain points might arise out of this that people would be willing to pay for that can create a lot of value in scalable for the podcasting community.
Nader Sabry (13:53):
Um, not just in the city, but probably nationwide. And, uh, eventually you may be able to shift into other places doing the same thing, but we won’t go that far yet. Uh, we, we obviously look at big possibilities because, you know, that’s how we think and how we work, but we need to keep localized on the ground to make sure it just works really well. Yeah, definitely. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Okay. Uh, anything else? That’s all good, man. I’m ready to see what comes up. That’s a lot of stuff. Okay. So that’s awesome. So that’s hack number two. So in three days we’ll be, we’ll talk again about hack number three and we’ll go from there. Alright, perfect. Awesome. See, and hacks number three.