Growth hacking the jibber with Jaber podcast [kick-off S1 – E1]

Growth hacking the jibber with Jaber podcast [kick-off S1 – E1]

The 10 day growth hacking challenge 10 days 3 growth hacks 10x results In 10 days, this challenge will turn your ideas into action in a snap to grow your business. Growth thinking is a new design methodology used by the top growth hackers, and now it's here for everyone to use. Based on the bestselling book Growth Thinking, a design approach to growth hacking, you will quickly transform your growth from a flat-line to a swinging curve. Learn this methodology to quickly, easily, and at a low cost fuel your growth. The best part no expertise in growth hacking is required. Get nominated today by reaching out to a challenger who has taken the challenge to nominate you as a contender.

Growth hacking the jibber with Jaber podcast  
[kick-off S1 – E1]

Transcript below

#GrowthHacking#GrowthHack#Growthhacker#Challenge#Competition​ By Growth Thinking Book The 10 day growth hacking challenge 10 days 3 growth hacks 10x results In 10 days, this challenge will turn your ideas into action in a snap to grow your business. Growth thinking is a new design methodology used by the top growth hackers, and now it’s here for everyone to use. Based on the bestselling book Growth Thinking, a design approach to growth hacking, you will quickly transform your growth from a flat-line to a swinging curve. Learn this methodology to quickly, easily, and at a low cost fuel your growth. The best part no expertise in growth hacking is required. Get nominated today by reaching out to a challenger who has taken the challenge to nominate you as a contender.


Introduction The 10 day growth hacking challenge is designed to accelerate entrepreneurs’ growth from an idea to action in a snap. The challenge uses the growth thinking design methodology based on the book “Growth Thinking, think, design, growth hack, a design approach to growth hacking.” This challenge is destined to help those aspiring to grow exponentially use growth hacking as the means of growth. This is based on a science-based design tool used by some of the world’s top growth hackers.

The challenge gets the contenders focused on a growth problem they are actively tackling. Once that has been identified, the contender develops 3-growth hacks in 10 days. The guided approach challenges the contender to get out of their comfort zone using the best growth hacking strategies and tools. Using the growth thinking design to growth hack, the contenders use the creative yet structured approach to design, implement and test their growth hacks. This enables them to develop the core skills required to get their growth on track.



1. How does the challenge work?

In 10 days, you will develop 3 growth hacks to accelerate your growth. Those growth hacks can be in few formats. A single growth goal, with a single growth hack, improved until optimized. A single growth goal, with a multiple growth hack, improved until optimized. Multiple growth goals, with a single growth hack, improved until optimized. Multiple growth goals, with a multiple growth hack, improved until optimized. There is no wrong or right but rather what works best for you. The secret behind this is about getting your growth goal well defined. This is basically what is your number one growth problem. Once you know this, everything gets smoother and more refined with time.

2. Who is this challenge for?

The 10 day growth hacking challenge is for entrepreneurs and small-medium size business owners. This challenge is for one person, and it should be the key decision-maker of the business, like the CEO or founder only. If you’re in one of the following situations, you qualify. New startups (6-months old and more) Already operating businesses The key decision-maker Have a growth challenge This is not for people who are planning or about to start a business. This is not about how to or what sort of business I should begin to; we focus on already established companies, even if they are startups who have been operating for a very little amount of time, but they have to be operating.

3. How do I get nominated?

If a contender has not nominated you, reach out to a current or previous contender to nominate you. Please describe your passion, mission, vision, and growth problem to the contender who will recommend you. Contenders will only back those they feel or see fit and can benefit from this challenge.

4. What are the benefits?

Only 1% of companies ever achieve exponential growth. This is a unique opportunity to access rare resources and a methodology used by the top girth hackers globally who have helped unicorn startups and fortune 500 companies grow. Skill-building to develop your growth hacking talent Inspiration to get you moving and taking action Expert guides insights by bestselling author Nader Sabry A launchpad to continue growing as a capability Access to unique resources only the best growth hackers use Usually, this kind of training and expert-guided consulting during the process would be more than USD $10,000. They get this all for free with access to the author to further support skill development and enhance growth hacking practices for challengers and nominees.

=========== Visit AJ at @Jibber with Jaber and see Interview with @Nader Sabry…​ ===========

Learn how to grow hack using the growth thinking methodology.

To learn more, go to​
or get the book on Amazon

Transcript below

Nader Sabry (00:18):

Welcome to the first of this kind. You’re here with the one and only aging from jibber and Jabber, which I’m going to share more information about it’s a new podcast. Actually. How long have you been around for?

Ahmad Jaber (00:31):

Uh, it’s been about since the beginning of the quarantine, when everything stopped, I started

Nader Sabry (00:36):

So, uh,

Ahmad Jaber (00:37):

quarantine, COVID-19 X inspired, uh, podcast at some really, really cool stuff. I’ve done an interview on there. I’m going to put it below and I’m going to give all the links. But the reason that we’re here today is AIG has got the courage to d something for the first time that nobody has done. And this is what we’re going to call the 10 day growth hacking challenge. And the 10 day growth hacking challenge is based on this book here that I’ve recently wrote, which is growth thinking. It’s a design methodology used for growth hackers, and it’s been used by some of the world’s top growth hackers. And I use this to train people who are new to growth, hacking don’t know anything about it, or really want to get into it. So if you’re an entrepreneur with a business that you really want to explode in the sense of growth, or you’re having trouble growing an existing business, even if you’re a one man business, a 20 man business, a 300 person business, this still applies.

Nader Sabry (01:27):

I talk a lot more about growth hacking. I’ll give a more resources a bit later on, but we’re going to dig into today’s session and we’re going to growth hack AJS podcast, and the way this contest worked or this competition, uh, the way it works is you get 10 days and you develop three growth hacks today. We’re going to talk about how to get that started to get focused on where we’re going to go discuss some of the ins and outs of how to go about it. And then AIG is going to take the, uh, growth hacking book. And then he’s going to start designing his growth hacks. Using this system. He has three days per growth hacks, or three days three growth hacks. And then we’re going to review each one of them after three days. And then at the end, we’re going to take a look at all of them. And we’re going to take a look at where Asia is going to go after that. So I run a program after that, which I call the all-star group and the all-star group are those, uh, there there’s 20 design. Um, like there’s basically 20 ways you can design a growth hack in here. And so we’re only doing three in this challenge. And if you continue with the rest, it becomes part of the all-star program. So I hope to see AIG as part of the all-star program, right?

Ahmad Jaber (02:30):

Oh yeah, for sure. All stars. I’m going to be there right at the end. May I’m going to be one of the, one of the old guys setting everyone. Yeah. I remember when we started this all star cast.

Nader Sabry (02:38):

Exactly. So, so you’re the, you’re the first guy. And I think where we’re going to start is I think the best thing is to tell us a little bit more about you, your podcast and, and what are you thinking about growth hacking and why? And then let’s fine tune where to start. So we know what we’re going to do in the next 10 days.

Ahmad Jaber (02:55):

Amazing, amazing. So basically the podcast that I do here, so, uh, my interview celebrities, and we highlight the interesting people, the people I’ve known who are in Dubai. So it goes from anybody who’s in, who’s a movie star down to somebody that people might not know, but is super, super interesting because as you know, when it comes to the social media world, there’s people who are really out there and, uh, and there’s people who are not, but they’re doing 20 times more than the people who have a million followers. You know what I mean? So the idea is to just really highlight. Yeah. The idea is to really highlight the people that are really interesting and that have that, that people can learn from the episode and they’ll watch that and they’ll be like, Oh, well, for example, your episode, the amount of people that were just like, dude, that guy’s a beast.

Ahmad Jaber (03:40):

Like they were just messaging me after. And just saying that was the most informative hour that I’ve spent in the last year since lockdown. And that’s what, that’s what we’re going for. We’re trying to make people think we’re trying to make people, you know, enjoy the time that there was because, you know, you only have a certain amount of time wasted. Well, so at least if they’re going to spend time watching something, they’re going to be gaining something from it at the same time. So it’s not just like you’re watching some empty footage and it’s just like, you’ve learned nothing. You’ve gained nothing. You’ve just wasted a whole hour of your life. So that’s the idea of where I’m going with this. And, um, yeah, it just, it’s just amazing to do the community that has been built already and the community that’s building around it, of people and new friends that, that have developed friendships from it. It’s just, it’s just amazing and something that I just want to keep doing and doing and doing.

Nader Sabry (04:25):

Yeah, no, I’m sure like this is going to really escalate. Like I think one of the things that you’ve done recently, and by the way, congratulations for the coverage you’ve just received, which is, um, which is a growth hack in itself. So, uh, AGU after my interview, AIG had a really cool concept of where he goes 50 meters, right? It’s it’s the highest podcast in the world,

Ahmad Jaber (04:44):

50 yeah. 50 meters on a giant, giant dinner table was suspended off a crane

Nader Sabry (04:50):

And, and he gets a Guinness world record. Uh, you, you, you, you get it, are you going to get it? How does that,

Ahmad Jaber (04:57):

Well, we applied for it and then now they just have to confirm it. And then, yeah, we’ll get it after that, if all the, they gave me the rules before it has to pass for things. And then yeah, we did everything right. So hopefully we will

Nader Sabry (05:06):

Got it. Awesome. So, so what, what ADA has, has done here, this is where like he’s identified a gap and he’s just nailing it where, where there’s no other guy or anybody in the podcasting space is going. And so part of growth hacking, we look at like four areas. We look at limitations, gaps, holes, and combinations. And so this is like a matrix that we use for looking where to actually growth hack in generate and discover what kind of growth hacks to do. And so what I like about this is that you’re doing something that nobody else is doing, right? So this is like a completely, you can call it like a, a blue ocean or a white space. There’s so many names for this, but you’re taking that risk and going into an area where others are not going and getting the recognition. And then you got that excellent coverage.

Nader Sabry (05:44):

And when you told me about it, I, if you notice the first thing I said is like, how do we get you more of it? And how do we scale it? And then how do we monetize it? Because you know, having this, so these one-offs are what I call spikes and spikes are like the most dangerous thing in growth, but they’re so exciting. So I’ll say like a spike is like, uh, like doing cocaine, right? You, you get the first, you get like the first experience and then you start chasing that experience for the rest of your life, which it doesn’t work out. And that’s the problem with like a sudden spike to what we’re always looking for is like a rising horizon. We’re where we build momentum over time. And that perpetual growth in that momentum actually starts actually develops on its own. And you find yourself chasing your own growth, which is all of a sudden, a nice feeling rather than you chasing that consistent spike. So, so I think this is like a really good place to start. Have you given any thoughts? I mean, what, what you want to growth hack? I know you’ve been experimenting and discussing several different things. Where do you see this going?

Ahmad Jaber (06:39):

Yeah, well, this is the interesting thing with this one, as well as because initially it was, let’s do a world record and let’s do a podcast that’s a bit different. But then what I’ve started to do is after I’ve spoken to a few friends who, you know, work in, in, in the tourism industry out here and that kind of stuff, people have started to say, well, okay, well, let’s start getting you the last podcast of every month in a different, big location in Dubai that’s well-known or whatever. So let’s do one on a yacht. Let’s do try and get one on the top of Bridget, Bridget Arab, let’s try and get one, you know, on a helipad somewhere. So, so where every episode, so I’ll have the guest on there, but it will be something that is, you know, that at the end of the month, something different is going to come. So that also adds another kind of, a bit of excitement to it, a bit of intrigue to, okay. What’s what’s this guy going to do next.

Nader Sabry (07:24):

Yeah, exactly. So, so, so excellent guests, exciting locations, really cool narrative. Right. If we were to break it into those kind of three elements and so, okay. So how do you, how do you see that? How do you see growth hack out? So let’s say there’s like, um, let’s say, I mean, Dubai, you’re lucky because it has like a ton of really cool places to go to. It’s like almost endless, but, but there is a limitation to it. So maybe it could be 25 or 50. I don’t know what that number is. And I think that that can build out like a, either a whole annual calendar for, right. So you’ve got one per month and you’ve got 12, you’ve got like one year worth of really cool content. And I think what’s interesting is like, how do you, how do you make that more exciting for those 12 slots, but how do you make what’s in between, which is like kind of the, I don’t want to call it the filler content because I think you’d be doing really good tier one content in between as well. But how do you, how do you continuously leverage that? So that whenever you’re doing that one off every month, that’s like really top notch, you got 12 of them in a year. What are you doing in between two to continuously perpetuate your growth?

Ahmad Jaber (08:24):

Um, I think that the important thing is, uh, like you said, to not class them as Phillip podcasts, because they are the main ones. If anything, it’s, it’s, it’s in reverse, the main ones would be the ones during the week. And this is a gift if you, if you would say, Oh yeah, I got it. Yeah, exactly.

Nader Sabry (08:41):

So like a magnet, this is more like a magnet to get people to, uh, to become aware of the podcast, basically.

Ahmad Jaber (08:47):

Exactly, exactly. Exactly. So it’s a, it’s a point of interest as a point is a piece of content that, that is a bit different that can drag the eye across, um, you know, to the videos and, and, you know, maybe for example, I mean the podcast world is very weird, so you’ll get people who they would watch it, even if, for example, this one would get more views than, than the one, if I’d use the same guest in the studio, but the conversation pretty much would be exactly the same. So it’s about how to convert that into making it that people want to watch every episode, as opposed to just the, those ones.

Nader Sabry (09:23):

I completely agree with you. And so what are your thoughts around that too, to keep it, uh, keep that kind of consistency of, of, of what you’re trying to do. So keeping, keeping people consistently excited, even though you’ve got like the big bonus or the big magnet that you put into the month for, for about, for a year, what, what will you do in between to keep it just really, really jumping up and down and not up and down, but keep it going like this with superstar

Ahmad Jaber (09:47):

Excitement. I think, I think has gotta be, uh, I think it’s mainly going to be the quality of the guests, as long as the quality of the guests, a good, um, then people will be tuning in and tuning in. Um, also what I was thinking of doing is doing a weekly podcast by myself as well, which would be for example, the weekly jab. So it’d be me going over everything that’s happening in the week, that’s just passed. And it’s a more personal view of myself because even though I am myself on the podcast and we all having a laugh and everything, I can’t really express myself as much as I would like to, because it’s not about me. It’s mostly about the guests. So I wouldn’t want to get a guest on there. Who’s got so much information to do, but then I keep interrupting and keep talking just so I can get my kind of, you know, my thoughts out, cause that kind of defeats the purpose of an interview or of, of telling people who this person is. So I think a weekly one, not only would it be keeping people kind of coming because there’ll be more content coming out, it will be more regular. Um, it will also give people another side of me that they don’t already see or might not have seen as of yet. I think that’s an important,

Nader Sabry (10:52):

That’s almost like, like thought leadership as well because in one, okay, so, you know, a podcast or a forgive the example, there’s almost kind of like a journalist. So if a journalist consistently covers, uh, the tech sector, for example, or a specific niche within tech and eventually the, the journalist builds a perspective on that particular nature or that sector. And they have a very unique view that builds over time. And so I think like people become not also interested in the personalities, but the view of the journalist who builds a personality with time, because it becomes so interesting. It’s almost like, um, uh, what was that? There was that very famous guy. Uh, who’s on CNN, uh, last name, Bordain, uh, Anthony Bordain, right? I think we’re Danes a perfect example of this, right? So here he is covering all this exotic, um, eating experiences around the world, but he himself was a very interesting personality and with time as it started to come out, because people became interested in him himself, Anthony Bordain, rather than just the show itself. So, you know, it’s kind of, you know, there’s a parallel there and I think you need to figure out how to do that balance, where, where you’ve got that. Um, you know, so you’ve got now, you know, into the week, you’ve got your exciting bonus. You’ve got your commentary. What are you going to call it by the way,

Ahmad Jaber (12:05):

The end of the one or the width, the one in the middle of the commentary,

Nader Sabry (12:08):

The commentary, do you have a name for it or do you have a, yeah,

Ahmad Jaber (12:10):

That’s gonna, I think there’s going to be cool. The weekly jab, the weekly jab. Okay. And that’s because of the amount of money. So it’s like, yeah. What would the vaccine as well? Exactly. [inaudible] yeah. Yeah. Okay. That’s it. Yeah. Maybe I should open my own dual vaccine center and then I can do the compare a bit more and get a job for me. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. A different kind of jobs you should play on it. Right. Because it’s so, so, so, okay. So first, first growth hack is, is what you’re doing with the tourism.

Nader Sabry (12:42):

I think that’s really cool. And there’s somebody that, um, that I met recently that actually would introduce you to who I think will have an excellent surgery with you. I’m just waiting for them to reach out. So more than happy to do that. I think there’s going to be a very good synergy there. The second part is like the in-between. So you’ve got one, you’ve got the commentary, you’ve got the excellent guests and then I think it’s a building the audience, right? I mean, I know that that’s a challenge in any, any, any kind of content related business you’ve got, you need to be discovered somehow, right? So you can create the best content in the world, but if people don’t know about it, then you know, where does it go? Right. And this happens to some really, really powerful influencers by the way. So there’s some influencers that I’ve been following for many years and their content is like tier one top-notch, but their audience is really small, but very potent.

Nader Sabry (13:29):

And so with time is it’s like the, um, again, the rising horizon, not the sudden spike. So it’s not like a Tony Robbins with like a million followers overnight. It just hypothetically of course. Um, but this is like guys that have built like tier one content and a very potent audience, uh, slowly over time. And some of these guys, um, they seem really weird in the beginning. Um, and I’ve referred them to, some people say, Hey, this guy’s content is really good. And this guy is going places and I’d always get the comments like, Oh, but he, he doesn’t have many followers. Uh, people are not really engaging with his content because they’re just looking at raw numbers. They’re looking at quantity, not quality. And then with time as they build up, there’s, there’s another guy who started out just like, as he’s the impact theory guy, uh, Tom, Tom.

Nader Sabry (14:14):

Um, I can remember, I actually, I don’t even know how to pronounce his last name very well, but you do know the impact theory guy, right? The guy that does impact. Okay. I’ll send it to you. So, so he started out a lot like that, right? Just producing super good quality content. He invested heavily in making it work and then he just kinda took off slowly. And then now he’s just in a, in a completely different world. So I see the same kind of thing happening with you where it’s like, you’ve got this, you’re building the super potent audience that is always waiting and wanting to engage and support. And they don’t have to be the biggest audience that grow with time. So we’ve had instances with, um, some growth hacks that we’ve done. And this is a big problem in the influencer world where everybody thinks the bigger the audience, the, the better, the results, which is not true, that the real power is in the micro-influencers, uh, people with smaller audiences, but they’re very potent, um, capability to reach that audience. So whatever it is that they may recommend or talk about has a lot more impact than somebody that may have millions. And it, it’s a bit hard to believe when you first hear about it, but we kept seeing these numbers repeat over and over and over again. And so with time we became so much more focused on micro influencers rather than mega influencers. Plus mega influencers are really difficult to deal with.

Ahmad Jaber (15:28):

Yeah, I totally understand. I mean, that makes, that makes all the sense in the world, like for, for a brand that deals with, um, you know, kids products and nappies, and that they’re much rather going to one, a mother who all of her audience is other mothers and other people dealing with the same stuff to promote through them. They’re not going to promote nappies of someone who has 1 million followers and sells watches. So it’s very specific their audience and they know that they can trust the audience and the audience trust them. I think trust is really important, a hundred percent in what you’re doing.

Nader Sabry (15:59):

So, um, we’re going to talk in three days. And then in another three days, another few days to review a growth hacks. Um, do you, do you, have you pinpointed it from now what you want to do? Like for example, uh, I think I mentioned these before, so there’s a few approaches. There’s like one single, uh, growth problem and then a single growth hack that you irritate. You keep improving over time. The other ways, like you focus on a single problem that you try multiple, you, you test with kind of multiple growth hacks or you go multiple on multiple. So you’re looking at multiple problems with multiple growth hacks. It gets more complicated as I mentioned to you, I think before, but you, do you know what direction you’d like to take with that?

Ahmad Jaber (16:42):

I mean, I th I think I’d like to light myself on fire and run ahead header, um, in a sense where I do, I’m not scared to try and take on more than one. Um, I know what you mean with the one, but for example, w as we were talking about before with the websites and the ESCOs and the, and the, you know, getting your content out there, where more people are going to see, it is also as important as trying to get a cool venue for, you know, an episode that might go viral. So I think the most important ones are those two it’s the it’s the guests and the, and the, and the tourism part and, and doing that. But at the same time, it’s also figuring out how to get, get this website, update, get these, uh, use these programs that will change it, uh, transliterated into texts and, and that stuff.

Ahmad Jaber (17:25):

So, so that your, your numbers will also, it’s going to be, like you said before, it’s going to be easier to be found. Discoverability is amazing me doing, yeah, it’s, it’s amazing me, you know, bringing in all these people, but if no, one’s seen, you know, I’ve had a guest on, on one of my episodes and he is a very, very, very, very big name, but he ended up getting 500 views. Do you know what I mean, where he did, if you look at his numbers, what happened to all of the people? You know, so it’s because it’s not discoverable as much as it should be. Then some, some are getting lost in the, in the translation and lost in the videos. Um, so I think it’s really important to, I think, organization as well, especially when, when it’s one person kind of doing everything it’s, it’s, it’s not like I’ve gone to, somebody said to me, Hey, you know, you’re a personality.

Ahmad Jaber (18:16):

We have this podcast, we have 20 staff, he’s going to manage the social media. He’s going to manage the internet. He’s going to edit. He’s going to do that. Yep. That where it’s just me, a cameraman and editor, it’s kind of like, you have to kind of be more on the point in the beginning to get everything going. But at the same time, the opportunities are coming and people are coming and people want to get involved and which is good. So I’m doing something right in that, in that regard. So I agree. It’s fun more than anything, it’s fun. So that’s, what’s going to keep me doing it longer and putting more, more, more time and more passion into it because I really enjoy doing it. And I really enjoy doing it for other people. You know, I almost enjoy as much as I enjoy doing the interviews. I almost enjoy other people’s reactions to watching them then than me doing them myself. Yeah,

Nader Sabry (19:01):

No, that’s, I mean, that, that’s really important that, that you’re extremely passionate about what you’re doing and you pointed out something, I mean really important where when you scale you’ll have these kinds of resources. So the, the growth hack that we’re trying to put in place as, how do we get you to scale to get to that point where you’ve got a 20 man team, uh, that is able to undertake each one of these tasks that you need to do. And so I think the discoverability part is probably one of the biggest things. You need to work a need to tackle, because you’ve got three things that you’re gonna, you’re gonna achieve with discoverability. You’re gonna, you’re going to get a media, right. Media coverage. Like the one that you just got today, discoverability will help with that. Then there’s the audience who’s going to actually watch and, and build up your podcast.

Nader Sabry (19:42):

And then there’s the people that you want to interview. And so you want to be in a position where you can attract very good quality people, but you’d also like very good quality people reaching out to you saying, Hey, that’s a podcast that I would like to be on. Let me reach out. And I think there’s a few different growth hacks that can be very powerful in that space, but I think we need to get the basics in place. And I think the, I guess we can agree that the very first growth hack is probably getting your content machine in place, which is essentially getting your website, streamlining the transcription of the existing content, getting them SEO optimized so that you’re at least discoverable by search engines. Um, you’re already on the YouTube. So there’s some YouTube tricks and tactics that can be used. I think I shared one with you, right?

Ahmad Jaber (20:27):

Yes. With the, in the description

Nader Sabry (20:29):

Just grew from, so this one, this one got featured in a, in a, in a best-selling book, by the way. So there’s a hundred growth, top a hundred is part of the a hundred top growth hacks. And they featured my growth as one of the top ones for YouTube. So we know what we’ll do with you on that one. So, so yeah, we need that because YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, right? So it’s like, you know, it’s, it’s not rocket science and then you need to hit up Google. So you hit those two. It doesn’t mean you ignore anything else. There’s ways of getting an, all those places at once in easy ways. The good news is that there’s a lot of tech that’s, uh, and tools that can help automate that are very cost-effective. In some cases, some of them are free or very, very low cost. And you don’t, you don’t need much skill to use either, which is brilliant. We live in an amazing world. You just need to know where to go and how to get it done.

Ahmad Jaber (21:17):

Yeah. [inaudible] yeah. Okay, man. So really, really looking forward to that.

Nader Sabry (21:26):

Awesome. Awesome. So we’ll see you in three days, we’ll get cracking three days and we’ll go from there.

Ahmad Jaber (21:34):

Let’s do it. I’m looking forward to it, man. I appreciate you, uh, thinking of me to get me in there and then, uh, we’re going to have to get someone else in both straight off to me. Think

Nader Sabry (21:42):

About the next contender. Awesome.

Ahmad Jaber (21:45):

That’s it. Thanks a lot. See you in three days he sees it. [inaudible].

nks a lot. See you in three days he sees it. [inaudible].